by Jill Smolinski
Paperback- $13.98
Lucy Bloom is broke, freshly dumped by her boyfriend, and is forced to sell her house to send her nineteen-year-old son to drug rehab. ...
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Turning the page on "Objects of My Affection", was a pleasant read. This is a sweet story and one that kept me interested from page one until the end. Jill Smolinski's novel brings to the forefront how hoarding wears on relationships and reasons for their desire to put so much emphasis on "things" instead of people. A few other topics discussed in this book; suicide, tough love, healing and homelessness. Looking for a easy, fast read? Check it out!
Our book club read "The Next Thing on My List" several months ago, and so when we saw that Jill Smolinski had another one out, we scooped it right up! I was instantly invested in the characters, and I cared about them...where they had come from to reach this point in their lives, and where they were headed next! The storyline has potential to be maudlin, but it is never allowed to go there. Serious topics, with enough humor and whimsy to keep it perfect for summer-time reading! Quick, easy read from one of my new favorite authors!
After our book club read Jill's book The Next Thing on My List Jill called our book club and talked to us for about 45 minutes!!! Needless to say I totally rocked for picking her book :-). Jill is an awesome writer and I can't wait to dive into Objects!!!
I have too many things. You have too many things. What life event would result in you trimming your life possessions down so they could all fit in your car? Jill Smolinski's Objects of My Affection examines this question in a humorous, yet insightful way. There's tension among the characters--and a little romance. This is a perfect book for book groups! What would make us give up most of the things we are tied to? How are we tied to the things--and people--in our lives?
Having just relocated myself I realized just how much baggage (material things) that we hold on to. It is hard to downsize, but doable. It is not just material things but also relationships. It was a light summer read, yet inspiring. It was one book I was was sorry that I got to the end. Can't wait for the next book. Enjoy the author's style.
Amazingly written! Made you really truely figure out what was important and what isn't. Highly recommend this book!
Jill Smolinski does it again! I have loved all the books she has written, looking forward to her next one! :)
I enjoyed Jill's book The Next Thing on My List so much that I knew I wanted to read her new book Objects of My Affection. It was a nice easy read with interesting story line that weaved into the main story line. As a reader I could picture each character easily and even relate to a few. The book gives you ideas to think about when it comes to organizing, raising children, and adult relationships. My book club read this book last month (June) and we had Jill skype into the discussion. It was fun to hear her talk about creating a title for the book, how characters are created, and where her writing ideas come from. It was such a treat to have her in the room with us. And she does all of this because she appreciates her readers. It is also fun to keep up with her on Facebook. I definitely recommend reading the book and have Jill either call or skype into your discusson. You will be glad that you did!
Jill Smolinski wrote one of my favourite books ever in "The Next Thing on my List" so I was very excited when she wrote a new novel. This book follows Lucy who has recently sold everything she owns except her car to send her son to drug rehab. Also unemployed after writing an unsuccessful book on decluttering she takes a job helping famous artist Marva who has a serious hoarding problem.
The book deals with how they help each other work out their problems. I guess for me I didn't connect with either woman as much as I could have and I did find the ending a bit trite but there are plenty of issues to discuss in a book club.
I really enjoyed the book but sadly not as much as "The Next Thing on my List" which was life changing.
I must first admit, I didn't really read enough of the book description before reading/listening it. I thought it was a self-help on organizing and de-cluttering.
This is the second time I've asked the author, Jill Smolinski, to join my book club meeting and it was great fun once again! It worked out smoothly to have her join us via Skype. The book was entertaining and provided for good discussion.
Two mothers; one who gives up all she has to help her son, and one who gives her son nothing to help him grow; one who has little and keeps it amazingly organized, and one who has too much and hoards it; one who has lived a life sacrificing for others, and one who has done exactly what she pleases. These women come together to clear out the home of the hoarder. They see the world from very different perspectives. Will they learn from each other, or will they kill each other first?
In all fairness, I could have given this book 4 stars, but that is generally reserved for books that I immediately want to tell my friends about and I'm not sure I feel that strongly about this story. Objects of My Affection pivots around two women of different ages, different backgrounds, different lifestyles and at different stages in their lives. Sound like complete opposites? Only on the surface. First there is Lucy who is a single mom of a teenager/young adult who clearly is a drug addict. Lucy subconsciously is aware of what is going on but is living with blinders on and in reality becomes a bit of an enabler. When her son's addiction brings about the end of her own relationship with boyfriend, Daniel, she finally has to step up to the plate and put plans in motion to address the issues. Lucy has sold her house and most of her possessions to pay for rehab for her son. Out of work and out of money she desperately needs a job. Lucy's only claim to fame is that she published a "How to Get Organized" book (NOT a big seller) when ironically it is her own life that needs to be organized and prioritized. She lands a job helping an aging famous artist organize and clean our her household. A prize horder, the artist is reluctant to let go of anything and the battles ensue. This is actually a beautiful story of the bonding of two women who on the surface seem so different and yet are both void of a purpose and direction in their lives. They both share failed relationships with their only sons and somewhere along the way, learn to share respect and friendship for one another. This is not a complicated story but one that makes you evaluate those things you hold on to and why. It is a story about accountability and discipline -- a good discussion book.
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