by Nancy Weaver
Paperback- $15.95
In Her Presence A Husband's Dirty Secret. Weaver, Nancy. Page-turner inspired by actual events in Mississippi in the1950s. An emotional, ...
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This was very easy book to read and had a lot to discuss.
Overall our book club rated this book a 4.0 on a 5-point scale using 5 qualities that we think make a good discussion book. Here is how the club rated the book on the Wits-End 5 qualities of a Good book club read.
1. The Prose – Was the book easy to read? Rated 3.8
2. Storyline - Was the book interesting? Rated 4.2
3. Characters – Where the Characters developed, realistic? Rated 4.2
4. Debatable Issues – Did the book have lot to discuss? Rated 4.2
5. Message – Did the author send a message(s) to the read? Rated 3.8
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