by Terri Blackstock
Paperback- $13.43
Barbara Covington has one more chance to save her daughter from a devastating addiction, by staging an intervention. But when eighteen-year-old Emily ...
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Short chapters made it a fast read. Interesting, but I would have perferred it being more about her drug addtition and getting clean, than the murder mystery.
1. What do you believe was the root of the cause of the rift between Emily and Barbara? Why did Emily characterize her mother as cold and uncaring? How can such misunderstandings occur between two who love each other?
2. Do you believe Road Back Recovery was a legitimate operation or a scam? Why? Do you think it would have worked for Emily this time?
3. Why did Barbara fly all the way to Atlanta then try to learn if the call from the detective was a hoax?
4. How is it that Barbara believes she is finally able to hear God’s voice through her distress? “You’re not alone. I’m with you.”
5. Emily believed she heard His voice as well. Do you believe her resolve is legitimate this time? Do you think God really planned the whole chain of events? “Follow me.”
6. Is Dr. Leigh a believable character? Barbara? Emily? Kent? Lance?
7. What did you think about character description/development in the book?
8. Lance seems to be a very logical and systematic young man. Why do you believe he made the questionable decision to leave the airplane instead of returning home as his mother told him to do?
9. Did the ending seem believable to you? Did you find it surprising that Kent could just randomly drive and actually find the house where they were being held?
10. Were you surprised about the impact of the case on Kent’s thinking? (Prayers. Feelings for Barbara)
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