by John E. Michel
Paperback- $17.95
If you were to account for your life at this moment?are you living up to your own potential? Does your present state of affairs give you ...
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"Mediocre Me is a potentially life-changing book with enormous application to current and ongoing events in today's society. If you watch the news, then this is the book you need to read--Now--to help you plot a course towards being an active leader of real, lasting change. Insightful, funny, full of reference, and dedicated to a common-good cause, Mediocre Me stood out to me thanks to the credibility of its author: John Michel. Brigadier General Michel stands out as a mighty leader of our generation, and this book sheds light on his thoughts for our future. Rather than dire predictions about the gloom that might be coming, Gen. Michel exudes optimism and highlights that we are all leaders--if only of ourselves--and that we have a strong hand to play in where our families, our communities and our societies are heading. A "take responsibility" theme is refreshing, motivating...and timeless. Best of all, it becomes a handbook that can be referenced quickly with a handy "Notes, Warnings and Cautions" section that is sure to morph into catch phrases splattered across the walls of high-performing organizations. In short, this book is a motivator. Gen. Michel enjoyably shares his vision for a solution and gives us the simple instructions to make it happen. Better than a good read, Mediocre Me is a swift-kick in the pants to stand up, take responsibility and take action!"
-Matthew T. "MONTY" Fritz, Lt Col, USAF
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