The Replacement Wife: A Novel
by Darby Kane
Paperback- $14.99

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  "Keeps you guessing" by Silversolara (see profile) 12/27/21

How many wives has Josh really had?

They keep popping up and disappearing…some are secret wives, some are not.

Well...Josh had two wives…one that Elisa had no idea about and one that had an accident that to Elisa really wasn’t an accident.

Then he had a girlfriend that disappeared, and he now has another girlfriend, Rachel, that Elisa needs to warn. Something always seemed to happen to the women in Josh’s lives. Rachel might be next.

THE REPLACEMENT WIFE focuses on an accident Elisa witnessed at work, Elisa's detective work to find out about the two wives and the missing girlfriend in Josh’s life, and characters that have secrets.

Elisa seems to be so concerned with the disappearance of Josh’s girlfriend, Abby, and the wives that she ignores her own problem of dealing with the trauma of the work accident that is affecting her well being.

Crazy things are happening, and Elisa seems to be in the middle of them. She really seems to be going off the deep end, but everyone seems to be causing these incidents that involve her.

THE REPLACEMENT WIFE has a slow buildup with background info on each character being revealed in bits and pieces.

You will be kept on your toes and asking yourself: Just what is going on? Who is the one keeping secrets? Who is trying to drive Elise crazy and why?

THE REPLACEMENT WIFE is one for thriller fans. You don’t know which way this is going to go or who to trust

The ending took me completely by surprise. I bet it will surprise you too. 4/5

This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

  "What is the real Josh like" by lpollinger (see profile) 01/24/22

Elisa saw a co-worker killed by a disgruntled employee. She is having trouble dealing with that trauma. She adores her brother-in-law, Josh, especially since he is soon to be married to her best friend, Abby. Then Abby disappears and no one seems to think anything is wrong, Josh claims she left him. Elisa decides to investigate on her own. She finds not one, but two ex-wives, who have died, by accident. Now she is being gaslighted by someone and everyone around her is convinced she is becoming unhinged.
There are a lot of twists and turns, but you are able to figure out the person that is behind the gaslighting. There is a bit of a twist to the ending. All in all a good thriller read.

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