The Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard Times
by Jennifer Worth
Paperback- $7.73

An unforgettable true story, The Midwife is the basis for the hit PBS drama Call the Midwife

At the age of twenty-two, Jennifer Worth leaves ...

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  "Call The Midwife" by jakeeppbookclub (see profile) 02/05/14

Loved the book as did our book club members. Really captures that era and what it was like to live in tenements with extended family, lack of birth control and the different birthing experiences for many different women of different life experiences and class standings.

  "" by drbeth (see profile) 06/27/14

Jennifer Worth was able to give very insightful descriptions of life in the east end of London in the 1950s. Through her various stories she was able to convey her own reactions to the events unfolding around her. As she came to understand and love the people she interacted with, so do we as readers. The obstetrical cases are amazing as well.

  "" by pacarey (see profile) 07/24/14

  "the midwife" by dchofer (see profile) 08/19/14

Amazing what women went thru and the way times have changed

  "" by bigal2767 (see profile) 01/05/15

  "Read all three books!" by akeim (see profile) 03/12/15

Although my book club read the first of the trilogy, several of us read all three books and watched the PBS series. We were all interested in the state of prenatal and delivery care in the 1950's and the terrible poverty these people faced.

  "" by Daryl (see profile) 04/01/15

  "Call the Midwife" by geschliman (see profile) 06/11/15

Great book! checked a few times to be sure I was Not reading fiction!

We agreed that watching the made for tv shows along with reading the book(s) is the way to go.

  "" by Sescilj (see profile) 09/23/15

  "Call the midwi" by cousineau (see profile) 02/16/16

Told me how lucky I am to live in this day & age. Pretty barbaric living.

  "Call for the Midwife" by Joguarino (see profile) 03/29/16

A memoir of a midwife's experiences in London in the 1950's in the dockland area. Tells her story being a midwife in many challenging and interesting situations. Although each situation is serious, she adds humor occasionally to lighten the overall story.

  "" by kidder67 (see profile) 07/28/16

  "" by MichelleFord (see profile) 11/12/16

  "The Midwife is a must read" by lizblair (see profile) 12/27/16

The memoirs of Jennifer Worth draw on the beauties of the east end of 1950s London, not the hardships. It is wonderful, we can learn from its history today

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 09/11/18

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