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El nino con el pijama de rayas/ The Boy In The Striped Pajamas (Spanish Edition)
Published: 2007-10-30
Paperback: 219 pages
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El Nombre De La Rosa/The Name Of The Rose
Published: 1985-09
Paperback: 0 pages
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El Paraiso En La Otra Esquina/the Way to Paradise
Published: 2005-05-30
Mass Market Paperback: 592 pages
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A century passed between the birth of Flora Trist�n and the death of her grandson, the great painter Paul Gauguin. They never met, but both dreamed, each in their own way, with a better world. With this novel we get to know these two great personalities that had similar characteristics: an...
El Patrón
Published: 2010-02-21
Paperback: 402 pages
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What began as an innocent love affair for one young woman, Marta Peña, in Costa Careyes, Mexico in 1969, sets in motion a series of events that spans the next thirty years. This is the story of South American drug lords Antonio Espinoza and Javier Rodriguez, and their violent quest for power. In a sweeping...
El Perfume / Perfume: Historia de un asesino / the Story of a Murderer (Spanish Edition)
Published: 2006-07-01
Paperback: 308 pages
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Survivor, genius, perfumer, killer: this is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. He is abandoned on the filthy streets of Paris as a child, but grows up to discover he has an extraordinary gift: a sense of smell more powerful than any other human's. Soon, he is creating the most sublime fragrances in all the city....
El secreto de Mona Lisa/ I, Mona Lisa (Spanish Edition)
Published: 2008-11
Paperback: 542 pages
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El traje del muerto / Heart-Shaped Box (Narrativa (Punto de Lectura)) (Spanish Edition)
Published: 2008-12-20
Paperback: 496 pages
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Aging, self-absorbed, death-metal rock star Judas Coyne was a collector of the bizarre, the uncanny, and the grotesque. When his personal assistant told him there was a ghost for sale on the Internet, Jude knew he had to have it for his private collection. His new acquisition-delivered to his doorstep...
El Zahir : Una Novela de Obsesion
Published: 2005-05-17
Paperback: 320 pages
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El narrador de El Zahir es un aclamado autor de renombre internacional que vive en Francia y disfruta de los privilegios que le otorgan su fama y su dinero. Esther, su esposa de hace diez a�os, es corresponsal de guerra y a pesar de su �xito profesional, y su relativa libertad de los confi...
Eldest (Inheritance, Book 2)
Published: 2007-03-13
Paperback: 704 pages
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Darkness falls…despair abounds…evil reigns…Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have just saved the rebel state from destruction by the mighty forces of King Galbatorix, cruel ruler of the Empire. Now Eragon must travel to Ellesmera, land of the elves, for further training in...
Eldritch Evolutions
Published: 2011-03-21
Paperback: 320 pages
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26 Weird Science Fiction, Dark Fantasy, and Horror Stories ELDRITCH EVOLUTIONS is the first collection of short stories by Lois H. Gresh, one of the most talented writers working these days in the realms of imagination. These tales of weird fiction blend elements wrung from science f...
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