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Escuela de ingredientes esenciales (The School of Essential Ingredients) (Spanish Edition)
Published: 2011-08-15
Paperback: 288 pages
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Like the ingredients in a recipe, life and flavors come together in this school. Once a month, on Monday night, eight students gather in Lillian's restaurant kitchen for a cooking class. Students include Claire, a young woman struggling to absorb her new role as a mother; Tom, a widower mo...
Ese modo que colma (Spanish Edition)
Published: 2010-05-16
Paperback: 192 pages
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El norte de Mexico y el desierto, el autor vuelve a sus territorios favoritos con estos cuentos de infortunio y gozo en los que relampaguea el humor. Asi, en «El gusto por los bailes», nos encontramos con Rosita Alvirez, que una noche se fugo, porque ella queria justo aquello que su madre le prohibia,...
Published: 2000-10
Paperback: 508 pages
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En las profundidades del oc�ano Pac�fico se descubre la presencia de una misteriosa nave espacial de grandes dimensiones. Las autoridades norteamericanas env�an a un grupo de cient�ficos para que investigue el inquietante hallazgo. Una de las novelas mas escalofr�antes.
Esperanza Rising
Published: 2002-05-01
Paperback: 0 pages
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A reissue of Pam Munoz Ryan's bestselling backlist with a distinctive new author treatment.Esperanza thought she'd always live with her family on their ranch in Mexico--she'd always have fancy dresses, a beautiful home, and servants. But a sudden tragedy forces Esperanza and Mama to flee t...
Espresso Shot: A Coffeehouse Mystery
Published: 2008-09-30
Hardcover: 352 pages
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The Essene Conspiracy
Published: 2011-03-14
Paperback: 306 pages
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"The Essene Conspiracy Reveals a Clandestine Brotherhood's Plot to Overthrow the Israeli Government." A high ranking Israeli minister has been murdered in Jerusalem. Muslim terrorists are suspected, but no group has claimed responsibility. Finding a barely legible name scribbled on a blood-stained...
The Essential Guide to Caring for Aging Parents
Published: 2012-07-03
Paperback: 352 pages
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The Essential Savage (Box Set): The Savage Nation; The Enemy Within; Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Published: 2005-11-15
Hardcover: 256 pages
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Michael Savage has been sounding the alarm on America's liberal maladies for years, gaining a nationwide audience of over ten million. Now, the brilliant best-selling author and sharp, sagacious prophet of the airwaves Michael Savage releases the definitive collection of his written work: ...
The Essential Wooden
Published: 2006-12-15
Hardcover: 208 pages
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The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson (Modern Library Classics)
Published: 2000-09-12
Paperback: 880 pages
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The definitive collection of Emerson's major speeches, essays, and poetry, The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson chronicles the life's work of a true "American Scholar."As one of the architects of the transcendentalist movement, Emerson embraced a philosophy that championed the ind...
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