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An Evening of Long Goodbyes: A Novel
Published: 2007-12-18
Kindle Edition: 448 pages
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Vastly entertaining and outright hilarious, Paul Murray’s debut heralds the arrival of a major new Irish talent. His protagonist is endearing and wildly witty–part P. G. Wodehouse’s Bertie Wooster, with a cantankerous dash of A Confederacy of Dunces’ Ignatius J. Reilly thrown in. W...
Published: 2007-08-14
Paperback: 224 pages
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M.L. St. Sure's Evensong is a powerful and captivating historical romance novel, set in World War II, about a beautiful, celebrated opera singer forced to sing the singspiel before Hitler. Amidst terrible consequences, after heartbreaking conflict and loss, the heroine's voice carries the ultimate message...
Evensong (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
Published: 2000-02-29
Paperback: 432 pages
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To read Gail Godwin is to touch the very core of human experience. With inimitable grace and aching emotional precision, Godwin probes our own complexities in characters whose lives oscillate between success and struggle, stoic resolve and quixotic temptation, bitter disappointment and small, sacred...
Published: 2005-05-03
Paperback: 299 pages
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Kent Haruf, award-winning, bestselling author of Plainsong returns to the high-plains town of Holt, Colorado, with a novel of masterful authority. The aging McPheron brothers are learning to live without Victoria Roubideaux, the single mother they took in and who has now left their ranch t...
Ever After (Lost Love Series #2)
Published: 2008-01-15
Paperback: 535 pages
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Ever After: A Novel (Strivers Row)
Published: 2002-09-10
Paperback: 384 pages
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?Perfection is an ideal, not a person. But if perfection ever were personified, it would be Jasmine.? ?NickNick and Jasmine are in love?truly, madly, deeply. After two years of dating, Nick asks Jasmine to marry him?and she says no. Nick, heartbroken, leaves New York for Chicago for a new ...
Ever By My Side: A Memoir in Eight [Acts] Pets
Published: 2011-02-08
Hardcover: 320 pages
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?The lessons that these animals taught me have been subtle, startling, and inspirational, playing a small but vital part in helping to shape the person you see with the stethoscope around his neck.? ?Dr. Nick Trout New York Times bestselling author Nick Trout has captivated readers by tak...
The Everafter
Published: 2009-10-01
Hardcover: 256 pages
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Madison Stanton doesn't know where she is or how she got there. But she does know this'she is dead. And alone, in a vast, dark space. The only company she has in this place are luminescent objects that turn out to be all the things Maddy lost while she was alive. And soon she discovers tha...
Everblue: Mer Tales #1
Published: 2012-03-22
Paperback: 320 pages
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Everblue, Book #1 in the Mer TalesShe wanted her life to change ... he wanted his to stay the same.Seventeen-year-old Ashlyn Lanski is tired of her boring, single life. Swimming and spending time with Tatiana, her best friend, are her only sanctuary. The girls plan to leave their drab lake...
Evercrossed (Kissed By An Angel)
Published: 2011-03-08
Hardcover: 288 pages
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It's been a year since Ivy's boyfriend, Tristan, died. They?ve both moved on?Tristan to the other side of the afterlife, and Ivy to sweet, dependable Will. Now Ivy's heading to Cape Cod, hoping to leave the horror of last summer behind. She wants nothing more than to lie on the beach, sip ...
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