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Harry Potter's Bookshelf: The Great Books behind the Hogwarts Adventures
Published: 2009-07-07
Paperback: 336 pages
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Harry Potter. The name conjures up J.K. Rowling's wondrous world of magic that has captured the imaginations of millions on both the printed page and the silver screen with bestselling novels and blockbuster films. The true magic found in this children's fantasy series lies not only in its...
Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: The True Story of a Great American Road Trip
Published: 2009-05-01
Hardcover: 272 pages
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On June 19, 1953, Harry Truman got up early, packed the trunk of his Chrysler New Yorker, and did something no other former president has done before or since: he hit the road. No Secret Service protection. No traveling press. Just Harry and his childhood sweetheart Bess, off to visit old ...
Harry's Mad
Published: 1997-07-22
Paperback: 128 pages
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"Harry's parents and friends think he's crazy because he acts out the rich fantasies of his 10-year-old imagination. And when his eccentric American uncle dies and leaves Harry a parrot named Madison (Mad), they're convinced of it. A believable, satisfying animal fantasy, with memorable ch...
Hart's Hope
Published: 2003-08-02
Paperback: 304 pages
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Haruki Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle: A Reader's Guide (Continuum Contemporaries)
Published: 2002-01
Paperback: 96 pages
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This is an excellent guide to Haruki Murakami's extraordinary novel. It features a biography of the author (including an interview), a full-length analysis of the novel, and a great deal more. If you're studying this novel, reading it for your book club, or if you simply want to know more ...
The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, Huston Smith, and Andrew Weil Killed the Fifties and Ushered in a New Age for America
Published: 2011-01-01
Paperback: 272 pages
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This book is the story of how three brilliant scholars and one ambitious freshman crossed paths in the early sixties at a Harvard-sponsored psychedelic-drug research project, transforming their lives and American culture and launching the mind/body/spirit movement that inspired the explos...
Published: 1997-08-01
Mass Market Paperback: 368 pages
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Medical resident Dr. Abby Matteo is elated when the elite cardiac transplant team at Boston's Bayside Hospital taps her as a potential recruit. But faced with a tormenting life-and-death decision, Abby helps direct a crash victim's harvested heart to a dying teenager -- instead of the weal...
Harvest Home
Published: 2012-09-11
Hardcover: 500 pages
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One of the touchstone horror novels of the 1970s, Harvest Home was Thomas Tryon's second novel and was published to wide critical and commercial acclaim. This new edition features the original color dust jacket art by Paul Bacon, new interior works by Alex McVey, a new introduction by Tim ...
The Harvest
Published: 2010-03-19
Paperback: 415 pages
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John David Krygelski's suspenseful debut novel - The Harvest - is a stunning tour de force! Whether tackling the epic battle between good and evil, or answering the subtle and persistent questions which haunt us all, Krygelski writes a compelling and startling story centered around the mys...
Harvesting the Heart: A Novel
Published: 1995-04-01
Kindle Edition: 465 pages
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From the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Small Great Things and My Sister's Keeper, a novel exploring the story of a young woman overcome by the demands of having a family.Paige has only a few vivid memories of her mother, who abandoned her at five years old. Now, having le...
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