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I, Coriander
Published: 2007-03-01
Paperback: 288 pages
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In this exceptionally well-crafted tale, Coriander tells the story of her childhood in seventeenth-century London?and of her discovery that she has inherited magical powers from her mother, who was a fairy princess. But her mother's sudden death brings on a dark time for Coriander. And after mourning...
I, Elizabeth: A Novel
Published: 2003-03-25
Paperback: 656 pages
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Publicly declared a bastard at the age of three, daughter of a disgraced and executed mother, last in the line of succession to the throne of England, Elizabeth I inherited an England ravaged by bloody religious conflict, at war with Spain and France, and badly in debt. When she died in 16...
I, Houdini
Published: 2003-11-11
Paperback: 126 pages
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One family's household has been in a state of disarray because of one small furry problem. Meet Houdini, an extraordinarily brilliant escapologist. No, not that Houdini. This one is a hamster. Once you meet him, you will understand that his owners just couldn?t name him anything else, for ...
I, Michael Bennett
Published: 2012-07-09
Hardcover: 416 pages
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Police officers shot Detective Michael Bennett arrests an infamous Mexican crime lord in a deadly chase that leaves Bennett's lifelong friend Hughie McDonough dead. From jail, the prisoner vows to rain epic violence down upon New York City-and to get revenge on Michael Bennett. Judges mur...
I, Mona Lisa
Published: 2007-04-01
Kindle Edition: 544 pages
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"My name is Lisa di Antonio Gherardini Giocondo, though to acquaintances, I am known simply as Madonna Lisa. My story begins not with my birth but a murder, committed the year before I was born…"Florence, April 1478: The handsome Giuliano de' Medici is brutally assassinated in Florence'...
I, Nemo
Published: 2012-05-22
Paperback: 316 pages
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What if the Nautilus and its famous captain wasn’t fiction?Every legend has a beginning. Every man has a name. But none as dark and mysterious as the depths of the seas he stalked. The world in time would come to know him as Captain Nemo and his fabulous submarine the Nautilus. Here, for...
I, Robot (Bantam Spectra Book)
Published: 2004-06-01
Hardcover: 240 pages
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The three laws of Robotics:1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm2) A robot must obey orders givein to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3) A robot must protect its own existence as long ...
I, Steve: Steve Jobs in His Own Words (In Their Own Words)
Published: 2011-10-19
Paperback: 160 pages
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Drawn from more than three decades of media coverage—print, electronic, and online—this tribute serves up the best, most thought-provoking insights ever spoken by Steve Jobs: more than 200 quotations that are essential reading for everyone who seeks innovative solutions and inspiration...
I: The Creation of a Serial Killer
Published: 2003-08-18
Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
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In The Killer's Own Words..."I killed Tanya Bennett...I beat her to death, raped her and loved it. Yes I'm sick, but I enjoy myself too. People took the blame and I'm free.... . Look over your shoulder. I may be closer than you think."-Keith Hunter Jesperson, the Happy Face KillerIn Febru...
The Icarus Girl
Published: 2006-04-11
Paperback: 352 pages
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Jessamy “Jess” Harrison, age eight, is the child of an English father and a Nigerian mother. Possessed of an extraordinary imagination, she has a hard time fitting in at school. It is only when she visits Nigeria for the first time that she makes a friend who understands her: a ragged little girl...
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