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The Impossible Dead
Published: 2011-11-21
Hardcover: 400 pages
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The Complaints: that's the name given to the Internal Affairs department who seek out dirty and compromised cops, the ones who've made deals with the devil. And sometimes The Complaints must travel.A major inquiry into a neighboring police force sees Malcolm Fox and his colleagues cast adr...
The Imposter Bride: A Novel
Published: 2014-02-04
Paperback: 368 pages
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In the wake of World War II, a young, enigmatic woman named Lily arrives in Montreal on her own, expecting to be married to a man she's never met. But, upon seeing her at the train station, Sol Kramer turns her down. Out of pity, his brother Nathan decides to marry her instead, and pity tu...
The Impressionist
Published: 2002
Hardcover: 416 pages
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The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove: A Novel
Published: 2010-08-17
Hardcover: 272 pages
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Nobody in Nashville has a bigger name to live up to than Bezellia Grove.� As a Grove, she belongs to one of city's most prominent families and is expected to embrace her position in high society.� That means speaking fluent French, dancing at cotillions with boys from other important famil...
Published: 2008-05-20
Paperback: 688 pages
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Sometimes you don't wake up. But if you happen to, you know things will never be the same. Three lives, three different paths to the same destination: Aspen Springs, a psychiatric hospital for those who have attempted the ultimate act -- suicide. Vanessa is beautiful and smart, but her s...
Imzadi Forever (Star Trek, The Next Generation)
Published: 2003-12-02
Paperback: 432 pages
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Imzadi: to the people of the planet Betazed, including Counselor Deanna Troi of the Starship Enterprise,? it means "beloved" and denotes that which can never be truly broken. Yet to whom does Deanna's heart truly belong? Commander William Riker was the first Deanna called Imzadi. Long be...
In a Class by Itself
Published: 2000-11-28
Mass Market Paperback: 224 pages
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One of romance's best-loved authors, Sandra Brown creates love stories whose "larger than life heroes and heroines make you believe all the warm, wonderful, wild things in life."* Now the New York Times bestselling author delivers a powerfully erotic and deeply moving tale of a woman reuni...
In a Dark House
Published: 2007-10-15
Hardcover: 437 pages
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In a Dry Season
Published: 2000-07-01
Mass Market Paperback: 480 pages
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In the blistering, dry summer, the waters of Thornfield Reservior have been depleted, revealing the ruins of the small Yorkshire village that lay at its bottom, bringing with it the unidentified bones of a brutally murdered young woman. Detective Chief Inspector Banks faces a daunting chal...
In a Heartbeat: How Cheerful Giving Can Change the World (Thorndike Nonfiction)
Published: 2010-07-21
Hardcover: 369 pages
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