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In the Company of the Courtesan: A Novel
Published: 2007-02-06
Paperback: 385 pages
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My lady, Fiammetta Bianchini, was plucking her eyebrows and biting color into her lips when the unthinkable happened and the Holy Roman Emperor’s army blew a hole in the wall of God’s eternal city, letting in a flood of half-starved, half-crazed troops bent on pillage and punishment.Th...
In the Convent of Little Flowers: Stories
Published: 2009-09-15
Paperback: 240 pages
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Bestselling author Indu Sundaresan presents a candid and stunning collection of stories about contemporary Indians and the cutting-edge issues surrounding them -- where ancient tradition and modernity can often clash.A young woman who was adopted by an American family in Seattle receives a...
In the Country of Men
Published: 2007-01-30
Hardcover: 246 pages
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Libya, 1979. Nine-year-old Suleiman’s days are circumscribed by the narrow rituals of childhood: outings to the ruins surrounding Tripoli, games with friends played under the burning sun, exotic gifts from his father’s constant business trips abroad. But his nights have come ...
In the Country of the Young
Published: 2002-03-01
Paperback: 288 pages
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On a stormy November night in 1848, a ship carrying more than a hundred Irish emigrants ran aground twenty miles off the coast of Maine. Many were saved, but some were not -- including a young girl who died crying out the name of her brother.In the present day, the artist Oisin MacDara liv...
In the Cut (Vintage Contemporaries)
Published: 2007-08-14
Paperback: 192 pages
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Frannie Thorstin is a divorced English professor, living in a two room New York apartment. She spends much of her time alone, working on a book about dialects and idiomatic language. One evening at a bar, Frannie stumbles upon a man and a woman engaged in a sexual act. A week later a detec...
In the Dark Streets Shineth: A 1941 Christmas Eve Story
Published: 2010-10-12
Hardcover: 56 pages
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Days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt met at the White House. It was Christmas Eve, 1941. As war raged throughout the world, the two leaders delivered a powerful message that still resonates today. Bestselling...
In the Driver's Seat: Stories
Published: 2007-05-08
Hardcover: 192 pages
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In the Empire of Genghis Khan: An Amazing Odyssey Through the Lands of the Most Feared Conquerors in History
Published: 2004-03-01
Paperback: 288 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 1 of 1 members
Vivid, hilarious, and compelling, this eagerly awaited book takes its place among the travel classics. It is a thrilling tale of adventure, a comic masterpiece, and an evocative portrait of a medieval land marooned in the modern world. Eight and a half centuries ago, under Genghis Khan, th...
In the Event of My Untimely Demise
Published: 2009-05-01
Paperback: 240 pages
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In the form of letters written to his son, Brian Sack gets right to the heart of what ultimately matters most. While some insights might seem obvious (high school is probably going to suck), others are refreshingly unconventional, and all are presented with a wit that is self-deprecating,...
In the Face of Evil: Based on the life of Dina Frydman Balbien
Published: 2010-12-02
Paperback: 376 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 8 of 8 members
Ten-year-old Dina Frydman lives a comfortable middle class life with her family in Radom, Poland in the summer of 1939, just weeks before the Nazi invasion. The love of family and friends offer no protection against the menace of the Nazi regime that begins to siphon off the worldly and spiritual goods...
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