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The Island of Dr Moreau (Cathedral Classics)
Published: 2010-08-31
Paperback: 94 pages
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The Island of Dr Moreau is both an exciting adventure story, and H G Wells' prescient critique of the dangers of Science shorn of all emotion, of research driven only by a cold intellectual curiosity. Written over a hundred years ago, the book's themes are especially relevant today, when genetic manipulation...
The Island of Dr. Moreau (Tor Classics)
Published: 1996-09-15
Paperback: 0 pages
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Tor Classics are affordably-priced editions designed to attract the young reader. Original dynamic cover art enthusiastically represents the excitement of each story. Appropriate "reader friendly" type sizes have been chosen for each title?offering clear, accurate, and readable text. All e...
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Published: 2010-10-15
Paperback: 82 pages
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Unabridged and complete version of H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau. Heritage Cross Classics produces high-quality classics in their original form.
Island of Lost Girls: A Novel
Published: 2008-04-22
Paperback: 272 pages
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While parked at a gas station, Rhonda sees something so incongruously surreal that at first she hardly recognizes it as a crime in progress. She watches, unmoving, as someone dressed in a rabbit costume kidnaps a young girl. Devastated over having done nothing, Rhonda joins the investigati...
The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime
Published: 2000-09-05
Hardcover: 432 pages
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U.S.A. $24.95Canada $35.95"Every once in a blue moon you read a book that leaves you absolutely breathless, reminding you of the bright, hidden worlds within our world. This is that book, a glimmering, supersonic journey into terra incognita, where Miles Harvey, acting as writer and sleuth...
Island of Saints: A Story of the One Principle That Frees the Human Spirit
Published: 2005-05-31
Hardcover: 224 pages
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While digging up a withering wax myrtle tree beside his waterfront home on the Gulf coast, author Andy Andrews unearths a rusted metal container filled with Nazi artifacts and begins an intriguing investigation that unlocks an unspoken past that took place in his backyard . . . literally ....
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Published: 1987-03-01
Paperback: 0 pages
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In the Pacific, there is an island that looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea birds abound. Karana is the Indian girl who lived alone for years on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Hers is not only an unusual adventure of survival, but also...
Island of the Lost: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World
Published: 2007-05-17
Paperback: 272 pages
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Auckland Island is a godforsaken place in the middle of the Southern Ocean, 285 miles south of New Zealand. With year-round freezing rain and howling winds, it is one of the most forbidding places in the world. To be shipwrecked there means almost certain death. In 1864 Captain Thomas Mus...
Island of the Sequined Love Nun
Published: 2004-05-25
Paperback: 336 pages
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Take a wonderfully crazed excursion into the demented heart of a tropical paradise—a world of cargo cults, cannibals, mad scientists, ninjas, and talking fruit bats. Our bumbling hero is Tucker Case, a hopeless geek trapped in a cool guy's body, who makes a living as a pilot for the Mary...
Island of the Swans
Published: 2010-02-01
Paperback: 592 pages
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Re-issued in its original full length, this acclaimed and bestselling romantic historical novel by award-winning author Ciji Ware tells the true story of passionate and flamboyant Jane Maxwell, the 4th Duchess of Gordon (1749-1812). In love since childhood with Thomas Fraser, when she hear...
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