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Joy in the Morning
Published: 1963
Hardcover: 308 pages
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Joy in the Morning
Published: 2010-09-23
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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Reflections on the seasons and caprices of life experienced by a colored girl of the 1940s as she becomes a woman of the 1960s and beyond. The author revisits the choices and missteps that shaped her life and ultimately bore rich fruit, thanks to the mercy of GOD. The essays capture the es...
Joy in the Morning
Published: 2002-05-13
Hardcover: 296 pages
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Joy in the Morning finds Bertie Wooster trapped in the countryside with his bossy ex-fiancé and her fire-breathing father, frightful brother, and beefy new betrothed. Uproar ensues until Jeeves arrives to save the day.
The Joy Luck Club
Published: 2006-09-21
Kindle Edition: 354 pages
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First time in trade paperback. The New York Times Book Review says of this mesmerizing novel by Amy Tan: "So beutifully written that one should . . . allow oneself to be bourne along as if in a dream . . . a jewel of a book". "The Joy Luck Club is a pure joy to read".--Chicago Tribune....
Joy of Cooking: 75th Anniversary Edition - 2006
Published: 2006-10-31
Hardcover: 1152 pages
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Seventy-five years ago, a St. Louis widow named Irma Rombauer took her life savings and self-published a book called The Joy of Cooking. Her daughter Marion tested recipes and made the illustrations, and they sold their mother-daughter project from Irma's apartment. Today, nine revisions...
The Joy of Doing Things Badly: A Girl's Guide to Love, Life and Foolish Bravery
Published: 2006-04-04
Hardcover: 256 pages
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In a society that puts so much emphasis on perfection, Veronica Chambers mischievously casts aside the guilt-inducing litany of 'shoulda, coulda, woulda? that seems to define modern-day life and replaces it with a resounding call to live with ?foolish bravery.? Refreshingly open about the ...
The Joy of Funerals: A Novel in Stories
Published: 2004-04-01
Paperback: 259 pages
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A young widow who lusts, a daughter who aches, a shopaholic who hungers....The Joy of Funerals is a riveting collection that explores the lives of nine young women, each willing to take drastic measures to fill the voids created by longing and loneli-ness. The first eight face death differently, while...
The Joy of Sex
Published: 2003-11-18
Paperback: 240 pages
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The Joy of Success: Ten Essential Skills for Getting the Success You Want
Published: 2004-01-06
Paperback: 256 pages
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For fifteen years, Susan Ford Collins shadowed successful people from all walks of life and discovered ten skills they were using consistently but unconsciously. In this must-read guide to personal satisfaction and fulfillment, Susan outlines each skill and provides easy-to-learn methods ...
Joy School (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
Published: 1998-03-24
Paperback: 208 pages
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In this exquisite new novel by bestselling writer Elizabeth Berg, a young woman falls in love -- and learns how sorrow can lead to an understanding of joy.Katie, the narrator, has relocated to Missouri with her distant, occasionally abusive father, and she feels very much alone: her much-l...
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