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Love Is Hell
Published: 2008-12-01
Paperback: 272 pages
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Sure, love is hell. But it,s totally worth it. In these supernatural stories by five of today's hottest writers?Melissa Marr (Wicked Lovely), Scott Westerfeld (Specials), Justine Larbalestier (Magic or Madness), Gabrielle Zevin (Elsewhere), and Laurie Faria Stolarz (Blue is for Nightmar...
Love Is Never Painless: Three Novellas
Published: 2006-11-14
Hardcover: 288 pages
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Love Is Never PainlessTruer words have never been spoken. This heart-wrenching collection of novellas brings that statement to life in three unique ways, penned by three of the generation's most prolific authors.In Eileen M. Johnson's "How the Other Half Lives," Jamellah and Fernecia have ...
Love Junkie
Published: 2010-01-04
Paperback: 256 pages
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Love Junkie is the story of Rachel Resnick's dangerous addiction to sex and love. An addiction that has cost her in horrible ways throughout the course of her life - from the time she rear-ended a family van on the freeway because she was obsessively speed-dialing her lover's phone, to when she blew...
Love Kills: A Britt Montero Novel (Britt Montero Mysteries)
Published: 2007-06-12
Hardcover: 320 pages
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Love Leadership: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World
Published: 2009-08-17
Hardcover: 224 pages
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A dynamic young leader shows how leading with love and respect creates success in business and life Written by the founder of Operation HOPE and advisor to the past two U.S. presidents, this groundbreaking book makes the case that the best way to get ahead is to figure out what you have...
The Love Letter: A Novel
Published: 2007-04-17
Paperback: 272 pages
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Independent, irresistible Helen MacFarquhar is the owner of a bookstore in an idyllic seaside town in New England. A happily divorced mother who enjoys a playful relationship with her customers, Helen's life is turned upside down when an anonymous letter arrives, penned by an unknown lover...
Love Letters
Published: 2009-07-14
Hardcover: 400 pages
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Phillida Horsley might have bitten off more than she can chew when she agrees to help organize a literary festival and finds herself going to Ireland to persuade the infamous and reclusive author Dermot Flynn to come out of hiding.
Love Letters of Great Men
Published: 2008-05-12
Paperback: 138 pages
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When words of love do not come to you on their own, then read these letters. Complete, actual love letters of great men like Lord Byron, John Keats and Voltaire. Leaders like Henry VIII, George Washington, and Napoléon, who wrote to his beloved Joséphine, 'I awake consumed with thoughts of you...'...
Love Letters; Reflections on Living With Loss
Published: 2007-03-01
Paperback: 304 pages
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Love Lies
Published: 2011-12-06
Mass Market Paperback: 448 pages
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Who killed suburban wife and mother Nancy Cooper...? Suspicion fell on Nancy's handsome husband, Brad. But why would a devoted husband and father of two young girls want to kill his wife? Nancy's parents and friends knew why. And what transpired revealed secrets not only about Brad, but...
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