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Mary Barton
Published: 2009-01-01
Paperback: 260 pages
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A moving account of poverty set in 1840s Manchester, Gaskell's first novel follows the young and beautiful Mary Barton, daughter of a factory worker, who is eventually caught up in the class struggle of her time. She attracts the attention of a wealthy mill-owner's son, Henry Carson, although she soon...
Mary Kay - 3rd Edition: Miracles Happen
Published: 1994-10-24
Paperback: 197 pages
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The Story of America's Most Dynamic Businesswoman
Mary Mac's Tea Room: 65 Years of Recipes from Atlanta's Favorite Dining Room
Published: 2010-07-13
Hardcover: 208 pages
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In Mary Mac's Tea Room, author and owner John Ferrell brings together over 100 classic recipes from this venerable institution of Southern comfort food.When Mary Mac's opened in 1945, it was one of 16 tea rooms around Atlanta, Georgia. More than 60 years later, it stands alone in carrying ...
Mary McGreevy (Macmurray & Beck Fiction)
Published: 1999-10-01
Paperback: 260 pages
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Mary Modern: A Novel
Published: 2007-07-09
Hardcover: 350 pages
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Lucy Morrigan, a young genetic researcher, lives with her boyfriend, Gray, and an odd collection of tenants in her crumbling family mansion. Surrounded by four generations of clothes, photographs, furniture, and other remnants of past lives, Lucy and Gray’s home life is strangely out...
Mary Poppins
Published: 2006-06-01
Hardcover: 224 pages
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From the moment Mary Poppins arrives at Number Seventeen Cherry-Tree Lane, everyday life at the Banks house is forever changed. This classic series tells the story of the world's most beloved nanny, who brings enchantment and excitement with her everywhere she goes. Featuring the charming ...
Mary Queen of Scotland & The Isles: A Novel
Published: 1997-04-15
Paperback: 870 pages
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Margaret George's exhaustively researched novel skillfully weaves both historical fact and plausible fiction in bringing the story of Mary Queen of Scots to life. She was a child crowned a queen....A sinner hailed as a saint....A lover denounced as a whore...A woman murdered for her drea...
Mary Todd Lincoln
Published: 2006-01-02
Paperback: 0 pages
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In this elegant biography, Jean Baker uses previously untapped sources to portray the troubled wife of Abraham Lincoln. Photographs.
Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography
Published: 1989-04
Paperback: 429 pages
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Mary, Called Magdalene
Published: 2003-05-27
Paperback: 656 pages
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The New York Times bestselling author of Elizabeth I brilliantly reimagines the story of the most mysterious woman in the Bible.Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute, a female divinity figure, a church leader, or all of those? Biblical references to her are tantalizingly brief, but we do know th...
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