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Measuring Time: A Novel
Published: 2007-02-19
Paperback: 383 pages
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A thrilling, epic story from a major new international talent.Mamo and LaMamo are twin brothers living in the small Nigerian village of Keti, where their domineering father controls their lives. With high hopes the twins attempt to flee from home, but only LaMamo escapes successfully and i...
The Meat Free Monday Cookbook: A Full Menu for Every Monday of the Year
Published: 2012-03-19
Hardcover: 240 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 1 of 1 members
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Meat: A Love Story
Hardcover: 288 pages
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The amusingly enlightening adventure of a woman hunting for the truth about meat? and why it's still good enough to eat.After spending a week working undercover at a slaughterhouse and being tormented by blood, the stink, and the squeals of animals being herded to their death, author Susan...
Med Head: My Knock-down, Drag-out, Drugged-up Battle with My Brain
Published: 2010-04-01
Paperback: 320 pages
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How it FEELS to have a body that won't stop moving, to be really different from everyone else, to be made fun of every day, to be totally reckless, to never relax, to be shut out of everything, to break FREE and TAKE CONTROL.James Patterson's Against Medical Advice riveted adults with the ...
Media Madness: The Corruption of Our Political Culture
Published: 2008-02-01
Hardcover: 130 pages
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James Bowman provides a scintillating and fast-paced anatomy of the mainstream media self-generated demise. The Mind of the Media looks behind the headlines to examine mainstream media's governing myths. Writing with acerbic wit, Bowman shows how the mainstream media's embrace of a spuriou...
Mediate, Don't Litigate: Strategies for Successful Mediation
Published: 2004-04-09
Paperback: 464 pages
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Going to court to resolve legal disputes is stressful, expensive and time-consuming. Consider a better alternative: Mediation. Then turn to Mediate, Don't Litigate to guide you through the entire process. Let this easy-to-use book show you how to: *choose a mediator *prepare a case...
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present
Published: 2007-01-09
Hardcover: 512 pages
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From the era of slavery to the present day, the first full history of black America’s shocking mistreatment as unwilling and unwitting experimental subjects at the hands of the medical establishment.Medical Apartheid is the first and only comprehensive history of medical experimentat...
The Medici Secret
Published: 2008
Paperback: 416 pages
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Medicine River
Published: 2006-04-15
Paperback: 264 pages
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Medicine Woman
Published: 2006-11-16
Paperback: 224 pages
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