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O Pionners!
Published: 2010-04-23
Paperback: 102 pages
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O Pioneers! is a novel by American author Willa Cather. It tells the story of the Bergsons, a family of Swedish immigrants in the farm country beside or near the fictional town of Hanover, Nebraska, at the turn of the 20th century.
O Príncipe (Portuguese Edition)
Published: 2010-03-10
Paperback: 126 pages
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O Príncipe de Nicolau Maquiavel Nicolau Maquiavel foi um historiador, poeta, diplomata e músico italiano do Renascimento. É reconhecido como fundador do pensamento e da ciência política moderna pelo fato de haver escrito sobre o Estado e o governo como realmente são e não como deveriam...
O, Juliet
Published: 2010-02-02
Paperback: 352 pages
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"One of the queens of historical fiction" offers a new take on the mesmerizing young woman and poetess who inspired Shakespeare's most famous female character. Before Juliet Capelletti lie two futures: a traditionally loveless marriage to her father's business partner, or the fulfillment...
The Oak Leaves (The Oak Leaves Series #1)
Published: 2007-04-12
Paperback: 416 pages
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Two time periods?Regency England and contemporary Chicago?are woven together when Talie Ingram finds an old journal belonging to her great-great-great grandmother, Cosima Escott. Through Cosima's entries, Talie learns that her family was once considered cursed with feebleminded offspring, the result...
Oath of Office
Published: 2012-12-24
Mass Market Paperback: 464 pages
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Oath of OfficeMichael PalmerWhen Dr. John Meacham goes on a shooting spree the office, his business partner, staff, and two patients are killed in the bloodbath. Then Meacham turns the gun on himself.The blame falls on Dr. Lou Welcome. Welcome worked with Meacham years before as a coun...
The Oath
Published: 1995-08-18
Audio Cassette: 0 pages
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The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court
Published: 2012-09-18
Hardcover: 352 pages
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From the prizewinning author of The Nine, a gripping insider's account of the momentous ideological war between the John Roberts Supreme Court and the Obama administration.From the moment John Roberts, the chief justice of the United States, blundered through the Oath of Office at Barack O...
Obake: Ghost Stories in Hawaii
Published: 1994-06
Paperback: 178 pages
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small crease on front cover and several pages, media mail takes about 2- 5 weeks to ship
The Obama Diaries
Published: 2010-07-13
Hardcover: 400 pages
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(WASHINGTON, D.C.) On May 20, 2010, Laura Ingraham received a package from an anonymous source that will change the history of the United States and the legacy of President Barack Obama. While retrieving her automobile from the underground garage at the Watergate complex (where she had jus...
Obama: The Historic Journey
Published: 2009-02-16
Hardcover: 237 pages
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