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On Lavender Lane: A Shelter Bay Novel
Published: 2012-01-03
Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
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Former Navy SEAL Lucas Chaffee is settling back into civilian life, refurbishing a farmhouse for an old friend who plans to turn it into a culinary school. Celebrity TV chef Madeline Durand has been publicly humiliated by a philandering husband. So Madeline jumps at the chance to retur...
On Little Wings
Published: 2013-08-15
Hardcover: 432 pages
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Jennifer is an only child, and so were her parents—at least that's what she thinks, until she finds an old photo in the back of one of her mother's books. The woman in the photo looks just like Jennifer, down to the smattering of freckles across her nose. And her mother refuses to talk...
On Mystic Lake: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
Published: 2004-04-27
Paperback: 448 pages
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Annie Colwater’s husband has just confessed that he’s in love with a younger woman. Devastated, Annie retreats to the small town where she grew up. There, she is reunited with her first love, Nick Delacroix, a recent widower who is unable to cope with his silent, emotionally scarred young daughter....
On Paradise Drive
Published: 2004-05-25
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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The author of the acclaimed bestseller Bobos in Paradise, which hilariously described the upscale American culture, takes a witty look at how being American shapes us, and how America's suburban civilization will shape the world's future. Take a look at Americans in their natural habitat....
On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense
Published: 2005-05-24
Paperback: 320 pages
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Take a look at Americans in their natural habitat: guys shopping for barbecue grills, doing that special walk men do when in the presence of lumber; superefficient soccer Ubermoms who chair school auctions, organize PTAs, and weigh less than their kids; and suburban chain restaurants, whic...
On Sarpy Creek
Published: 2003-10-01
Paperback: 309 pages
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On Sarpy Creek is a deeply moving family saga about a small Montana farming community in the decade after World War I. Many readers consider it a small masterpiece, yet this book was lost for decades before being recently republished. The simple, unadorned style and strong story make this a true page-turner...
On Second Thought: Outsmarting Your Mind's Hard-Wired Habits
Published: 2010-09-14
Hardcover: 304 pages
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Our lives are composed of millions of choices, ranging from trivial to life-changing and momentous. Luckily, our brains have evolved a number of mental shortcuts, biases, and tricks that allow us to quickly negotiate this endless array of decisions. We don?t want to rationally deliberate e...
On Seeing
Published: 2007-08-28
Paperback: 224 pages
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In this captivating set of philosophical meditations on the relationship between the viewer and the viewed, F. González-Crussi contrasts historical events and cultural lore with reflections on technology and medicine to produce a complete vision of vision. From Actaeon spying on the g...
On Seeing: Things Seen, Unseen, and Obscene
Published: 2006-04-06
Hardcover: 224 pages
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A probing and profoundly entertaining literary meditation on vision.
On Strike for Christmas
Published: 2007-10-30
Paperback: 352 pages
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At Christmastime, it seems as though a woman's work is never done. Trimming the tree, mailing the cards, schlepping to the mall, the endless wrapping?bah humbug! So this year, Joy and Laura and the rest of their knitting group decide to go on strike. If their husbands and families want a n...
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