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Ordinary People, Turbulent Times
Published: 2008-07-27
Paperback: 144 pages
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The Ordinary Princess
Published: 2002-03-18
Paperback: 128 pages
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Along with Wit, Charm, Health, and Courage, Princess Amy of Phantasmorania receives a special fairy christening gift: Ordinariness. Unlike her six beautiful sisters, she has brown hair and freckles, and would rather have adventures than play the harp, embroider tapestries . . . or become ...
Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope
Published: 2001-03-01
Paperback: 400 pages
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Jonathan Kozol's books have become touchstones of the American conscience. In his most personal and optimistic book to date, Jonathan returns to the South Bronx to spend another four years with the children who have come to be his friends at P.S. 30 and St. Ann's. A fascinating narrati...
Ordinary Thunderstorms: A Novel
Published: 2010-02-01
Hardcover: 416 pages
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One May evening in London, Adam Kindred, a young climatologist in town for a job interview, is feeling good about the future as he sits down for a meal at a little Italian bistro. He strikes up a conversation with a solitary diner at the next table, who leaves soon afterward. With horrify...
The Ordinary White Boy
Published: 2002-09-03
Paperback: 272 pages
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Lamar Kerry, Jr., is an unlikely hero. At twenty-seven years old he can't dance unless he's had more than a few drinks. His wardrobe is uninspired, at best. He has returned after college to Little Falls, his miserable, working-class hometown in upstate New York, deflating everyone's expect...
Ordinary Wolves: A Novel
Published: 2005-05-17
Paperback: 344 pages
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In the tradition of Jack London, Seth Kantner presents an Alaska far removed from majestic clichés of exotic travelogues and picture postcards. Kantner’s vivid and poetic prose lets readers experience Cutuk Hawcly’s life on the Alaskan plains through the character’s own words ? feel...
Ordinary World
Published: 2011-03-15
Paperback: 322 pages
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Readers who fell in love with Andi Cutrone in Elisa Lorello's first novel, Faking It, can now join Andi on a new journey in which she faces a challenge unlike any she has ever known. Ordinary World begins six years after Lorello's first installment left off: Andi is blissfully married, wor...
Oreo (Northeastern Library of Black Literature)
Published: 2000-09-22
Paperback: 212 pages
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This uproariously funny satire about relations between African Americans and Jews is as fresh and outrageous today as when it was first published in 1974. Born to a Jewish father and black mother who divorce before she is two, Oreo grows up in Philadelphia with her maternal grandparents...
Organic Additives and Ceramic Processing: With Applications in Powder Metallurgy, Ink, and Paint
Published: 1996-08-31
Hardcover: 316 pages
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Organic Additives and Ceramic Processing, Second Edition: With Applications in Powder Metallurgy, Ink, and Paint can be used as a textbook and also as a reference source for working ceramists. This edition reports much new data from the author's laboratory, as well as 1996 literature references...
Organic Manifesto: How Organic Farming Can Heal Our Planet, Feed the World, and Keep Us Safe
Published: 2010-03-16
Hardcover: 224 pages
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Rodale was founded on the belief that organic gardening is the key to better health both for us and for the planet, and never has this message been more urgent. Now Maria Rodale, chairman�of Rodale,�sheds new light on the state of 21st century farming. She examines the unholy alliances tha...
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