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Oddily (Volume 1)
Published: 2011-04-25
Paperback: 262 pages
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There are three things the shy, awkward Oddily knows for sure. She would rather be anyone other than herself? She wants to fit in at school? And strange things are happening to her. For Oddily, she tries to keep an open mind? But what she discovers is too unbelievable to think about? Too magical...
The Odds
Published: 2009-06-09
Hardcover: 352 pages
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The Homicide Department is upside down?Richard Christie is in the hospital, Artie Dolan is headed away on vacation, John Potocki's life is falling apart, and Colleen Greer is so worried about her boss's health, she can hardly think. A young boy in Pittsburgh's North Side neighborhood dies ...
The Odds: A Love Story
Published: 2012
Paperback: 179 pages
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In the new novel from the author of Last Night at the Lobster, a middle-age couple goes all in for love at a Niagara Falls casinoLokk out for City of Secrets coming from Viking on April 26, 2016 Stewart O'Nan's thirteenth novel is another wildly original, bittersweet gem like his cel...
The Odyssey (Everyman's Library (Cloth))
Published: 1992-11-03
Hardcover: 528 pages
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The Odyssey by Homer (Oxford Myths and Legends)
Published: 1991-10-17
Paperback: 288 pages
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The Odyssey
Published: 2013-06-24
Paperback: 460 pages
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"The thing that best distinguishes this from all other translations of Homer is that it alone equals the original in its ceaseless pour of verbal music. . . . Pope worked miracles in highlighting the play of vowels through his lines. . . . Every word is weighted, with a pressure of mind be...
The Odyssey: The Fitzgerald Translation
Published: 1998-11-05
Paperback: 515 pages
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The classic translation of The Odyssey, now in a Noonday paperback. Robert Fitzgerald's translation of Homer's Odyssey is the best and best-loved modern translation of the greatest of all epic poems. Since 1961, this Odyssey has sold more than two million copies, and it is the standard tr...
Of Africa
Published: 2012-11-01
Hardcover: 224 pages
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A member of the unique generation of African writers and intellectuals who came of age in the last days of colonialism, Wole Soyinka has witnessed the promise of independence and lived through postcolonial failure. He deeply comprehends the pressing problems of Africa, and, an irrepressib...
Of Bees & Mist
Published: 2009-01-01
Paperback: 0 pages
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Of Bees and Mist: A Novel
Published: 2009-08-04
Hardcover: 416 pages
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Raised in a sepulchral house where ghosts dwell in mirrors, Meridia grows up lonely and miserable. But at age sixteen, she has a chance at happiness when she falls in love with Daniel-a caring and naive young man. Soon they marry, and Meridia can finally escape to live with her husband's f...
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