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The Power of Now
Published: 2009-03-25
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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To make the journey into the Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. From the very first page of Eckhart Tolle's extraordinary book, we move rapidly into a significantly higher altitude where we breathe a lighter air. We become connected t...
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Published: 2004-08-19
Paperback: 236 pages
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It's no wonder that The Power of Now has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 30 foreign languages. Much more than simple principles and platitudes, the book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true and deepest self and reach the ...
The Power of One & Tandia (Omnibus)
Published: 1994
Hardcover: 1092 pages
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The Power of One (Young Reader's Edition)
Published: 2005-09-13
Hardcover: 304 pages
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In 1939, hatred took root in South Africa, where the seeds of apartheid were newly sown. There a boy called Peekay was born. He spoke the wrong language–English. He was nursed by a woman of the wrong color–black. His childhood was marked by humiliation and abandonment. Yet he v...
The Power of One
Published: 1989
Hardcover: 0 pages
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The Power of One is a novel by Australian author Bryce Courtenay, first published in 1989. Set in South Africa during the 1930s and 1940s, it tells the story of an English boy who, through the course of the story, acquires the nickname of Peekay.
The Power of One: Young Readers' Condensed Edit
Published: 2007-07-10
Paperback: 373 pages
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In 1939, hatred took root in South Africa, where the seeds of apartheid were newly sown. There a boy called Peekay was born. He spoke the wrong language–English. He was nursed by a woman of the wrong color–black. His childhood was marked by humiliation and abandonment. Yet he vowed to ...
The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions (P.S.)
Published: 2007-02-01
Paperback: 256 pages
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Are New Yorkers and Californians so different because they live in such different settings? Why do some of us prefer the city to the country? How do urban settings increase crime? Why do we feel better after an experience in nature? In this fascinating and enormously entertaining book, Win...
The Power of Six (I Am Number Four)
Published: 2011-08-23
Hardcover: 416 pages
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I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he's a mystery. But to me . . . he's one of us. Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us?if we all still believe in our mission. How c...
The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies)
Published: 2012-07-24
Paperback: 448 pages
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They know about the charm. They know about our legacies. They caught Number One, Number Two, and Number Three. They killed them all. I am Number Seven. One of six still alive. We are growing stronger. We are starting to come together. We are ready to fight. We are the last...
The Power of the Dog : A Novel
Published: 2001-06
Paperback: 304 pages
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First published in 1967, Thomas Savage's western novel about two brothers and the competition between them when one marries now includes an afterword by Annie Proulx.
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