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The Romantic: A Novel
Published: 2004-05-01
Paperback: 320 pages
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When she is nine-years-old, Louise Kirk's mother disappears, leaving a note that reads only--and incorrectly--"Louise knows how to work the washing machine." It is not long before a strange couple and their adopted son, Abel, move in across the street. Louise quickly grows close with the e...
The Romantics
Published: 2009-07-21
Paperback: 288 pages
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Laura and Lila were college roommates--one brooding and Jewish, the other the epitome of golden WASP-dom. Now it's ten years later, a day before Lila's wedding to Laura's former boyfriend, and as the guests arrive, Laura finds herself the only one not coupled up. Struggling with the tradit...
Rome 1960: The Olympics That Changed the World
Published: 2008-07-01
Hardcover: 496 pages
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From the critically acclaimed and bestselling author David Maraniss, a groundbreaking book that weaves sports, politics, and history into a tour de force about the 1960 Rome Olympics, eighteen days of theater, suspense, victory, and defeatDavid Maraniss draws compelling portraits of the at...
Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism
Published: 1993-08
Paperback: 182 pages
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The well-known and very popular Catholic couple, Scott and Kimberly Hahn, have been constantly travelling and speaking all over North America for the last few years about their conversion to the Catholic Church. Now these two outstanding Catholic apologists tell in their own words about th...
Romeo and Juliet
Published: 1999-10-01
Hardcover: 40 pages
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Joining Bruce Coville's earlier prose adaptations of Shakespeare's plays is this picture book treatment of the Bard's most popular work ever. The tender story of the young star-crossed lovers from warring families, Romeo and Juliet has moved audiences to tears for four hundred years. And C...
Romeo and Juliet
Published: 2014-11-29
Paperback: 92 pages
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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed...
Romeo and Juliet (No Fear Shakespeare)
Published: 2003-04-15
Paperback: 304 pages
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No Fear Shakespeare gives you the complete text of Romeo and Juliet on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right.
Romeo and Juliet (Wordsworth Classics)
Published: 2000-06-05
Paperback: 160 pages
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Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, Professor of English Literature, University of Sussex Love, sex and death are the components of Shakespeare's classic story of the love of two young people which reaches across the barriers of family and convention. It encompasses great love, high...
Rooftops of Tehran
Published: 2008-03-01
Paperback: 112 pages
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Rooftops of Tehran
Published: 2010
Audio CD
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unabridged/12 discs/14.5 hours
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