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The Summoning (Darkest Powers, Book 1)
Published: 2008-08-26
Kindle Edition: 416 pages
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My name is Chloe Saunders and my life will never be the same again. All I wanted was to make friends, meet boys, and keep on being ordinary. I don't even know what that means anymore. It all started on the day that I saw my first ghost—and the ghost saw me. Now there are ghosts everywher...
A Summons to Memphis
Published: 1999-06-29
Paperback: 209 pages
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One of the most celebrated novels of its time, the Pulitzer Prize winner A Summons to Memphis introduces the Carver family, natives of Nashville, residents, with the exception of Phillip, of Memphis, Tennessee.During the twilight of a Sunday afternoon in March, New York book editor Phillip...
The Summons: A Novel
Published: 2012-02-28
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
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#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA pillar of the community who towered over local law and politics for forty years, Judge Atlee is now a shadow of his former self—a sick, lonely old man who has withdrawn to his sprawling ancestral home in Clanton, Mississippi. Knowing that the end is near, Ju...
Sumner Island
Published: 2010-06-01
Hardcover: 280 pages
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First-year history professor Mitchell Lambert has written a biography of Maria Boudreau, a famous young heiress who died more than eighty years ago. The book has sparked renewed interest in Maria, and now people are seeing her ghost on Sumner Island off the coast of Maine where she was brutally murdered...
The Sun Also Rises
Published: 2003
Paperback: 254 pages
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The Sun Also Rises was Ernest Hemingway's first big novel, and immediately established Hemingway as one of the great prose stylists, and one of the preeminent writers of his time. It is also the book that encapsulates the angst of the post-World War I generation, known as...
THE SUN IN SPLENDOUR (Plantagenet Saga)
Published: 1985-11-12
Mass Market Paperback: 10 pages
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Reckoned by those about him to be the most handsome man in the country, Edward the fourth has risen to the throne with the help of Warwick, the kingmaker. But even Warwick's trusted advice cannot convince the King to ignore his passion for the beautiful widow, Elizabeth Woodville ? and when she refuses...
The Sun Is Rising (Uqp Young Adult Fiction)
Published: 1996-03
Paperback: 114 pages
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Sun Storm
Published: 2006-12-26
Paperback: 310 pages
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On the floor of a church in northern Sweden, the body of a man lies mutilated and defiled–and in the night sky, the aurora borealis dances as the snow begins to fall....So begins Åsa Larsson’s spellbinding thriller, winner of Sweden’s Best First Crime Novel Award and an internationa...
A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali
Published: 2004-10-12
Paperback: 272 pages
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Sunday Brunch
Published: 2004-06-08
Paperback: 368 pages
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Waiting to Exhale meets Church Folk as five female attorneys do brunch each week to trade tales about their love lives, law firms, and the Lord!Meet Capri, an attorney at a top Houston firm. She seems to have it all together all the time until a seductive client topples her self-control. T...
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