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The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
Published: 2007-10-03
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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Who are you? When you start to explore this question, you find out how elusive it really is. Are you a physical body? A collection of experiences and memories? A partner to relationships? Each time you consider these aspects of yourself, you realize that there is much more to you than any ...
The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - and Why
Published: 2009-06-16
Paperback: 288 pages
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Discover how human beings react to danger–and what makes the difference between life and deathToday, nine out of ten Americans live in places at significant risk of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorism, or other disasters. Tomorrow, some of us will have to make split-second choi...
Unti Kendra Wilkinson Memoir
Published: 2011-10-11
Hardcover: 240 pages
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Untied: A Memoir of Family, Fame, and Floundering
Published: 2011-03-01
Hardcover: 304 pages
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?I remember Sarah asking me, when I?d just begun therapy with her, what I looked for in a man. After a few moments of silent, tense deliberation I had it. ?Hair,? I blurted. ?He has to have hair.?? Meredith Baxter is a beloved and iconic television actress, most well-known for her eno...
Until Forever (Women of Prayer Series)
Published: 2011-01-25
Perfect Paperback: 272 pages
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It was something she would never forgive herself for... It wasn't until lunchtime that Jessi remembered to call home. No answer. She tried calling several times while she ate her lunch. Still no answer. She closed her eyes and rested her arms and head on her desk. She breathed deeply, wishing she had...
Until I Die (Revenants)
Published: 2012-05-08
Paperback: 368 pages
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I wish there was only today, just right now, and no forever. It seems fitting that I fell in love in Paris. Peel back a thin layer of reality and under the city's glamorous surface is a battleground for immortal enemies.Because with Vincent, reality is an illusion. Handsome, chivalrous, ...
Until I Find You: A Novel
Published: 2006-05-30
Paperback: 848 pages
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Until I Find You is the story of the actor Jack Burns ? his life, loves, celebrity and astonishing search for the truth about his parents. When he is four years old, Jack travels with his mother Alice, a tattoo artist, to several North Sea ports in search of his father, William Burns. From...
Until It's Over
Published: 2009-03-17
Hardcover: 384 pages
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Astrid Bell has known�most of her�housemates for years, but�while they have a tangled history�together?romantic pairings, one-night stands, friendships?each of them�also has�a past.Astrid is�on her way home one day when�her neighbor�accidentally knocks her off her bike. Bruised but not bro...
Until Proven Guilty (J. P. Beaumont Mysteries)
Published: 2009-12-29
Paperback: 328 pages
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The little girl was a treasure who should have been cherished, not murdered. She was only five-too young to die-and Homicide Detective J.P. Beaumont of the Seattle Police Department isn?t going to rest until her killer pays dearly. But Beaumont's own obsessions and demons could prove dange...
Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
Published: 2008-09-30
Paperback: 464 pages
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?A masterful examination of the pathetic rush to judgment in the Duke rape case.? ?John GrishamThe full story of the Duke Lacrosse case, by the authors who broke it In this American tragedy, Stuart Taylor, Jr., and KC Johnson argue, law enforcement, a campaigning prosecu...
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