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The Walnut Tree: A Holiday Tale
Published: 2012-10-30
Hardcover: 256 pages
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“You’re going to love Todd.”—Stephen King, Entertainment WeeklyThe critically acclaimed creator of the Inspector Ian Rutledge and battlefield nurse Bess Crawford mystery series, Charles Todd now offers readers a bittersweet love story and romantic mystery that unfolds at Christmas ...
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: "Race to Death Valley" (Vol. 1) (Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse)
Published: 2011-06-15
Hardcover: 0 pages
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One of the most eagerly-anticipated projects in comics.Today everyone knows Mickey Mouse as the cheerful ambassador of all things Disney. But back in the 1930s, Mickey gained fame as a rough-and-tumble, two-fisted epic hero ? an adventurous scrapper matching wits with mobsters, kidnappers,...
Waltz into Darkness (Crime, Penguin)
Published: 1995-06-01
Paperback: 320 pages
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Middle-aged Louis Durand, whose fiance died 15 years ago on the eve of their wedding, decides to take one more chance on love and marry a woman he knows only through correspondence. When she arrives, she's younger and more beautiful that he had expected--and far more deadly.
Waltzing at the Piggly Wiggly
Published: 2006-08-03
Hardcover: 320 pages
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An irresistible Southern charmer about small-town gossip, second-chance romance, strange weather, and ballroom dancing in the most unlikely places. Laurie Lepanto is on the horns of a dilemma. Her favorite market, the Piggly Wiggly, of Second Creek, Mississippi, is on the verge of closing...
Waltzing the Cat
Published: 1999-09-01
Paperback: 288 pages
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Relationships and extreme adventures collide with deadpan humor and female wisdom in Pam Houston's transcendent follow-up to her bestselling Cowboys Are My Weakness. Through eleven interlinked stories, we follow roving photographer Lucy O'Rourke as she survives a home life where her paren...
Wandering Star (Lannan Translation Selection Series)
Published: 2004-10-01
Paperback: 316 pages
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Wandering Through Winter: A Naturalist's Record of a 20,000-Mile Journey Through the North American Winter (American Seasons, 4th Season)
Published: 1990-05
Paperback: 370 pages
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In this final volume of his brilliant four-volume cycle, Edwin Way Teale follows winter diagonally across the country in a 20,000-mile journey from Southern California to Northern Maine. Illustrated.
Wanderlust: A History of Walking
Published: 2001-06-01
Paperback: 336 pages
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Drawing together many histories-of anatomical evolution and city design, of treadmills and labyrinths, of walking clubs and sexual mores-Rebecca Solnit creates a fascinating portrait of the range of possibilities presented by walking. Arguing that the history of walking includes walking fo...
Wanderlust: A Love Affair with Five Continents
Published: 2011-05-24
Paperback: 304 pages
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Spanning 15 years of travel, beginning when she is a sophomore in college, Wanderlust documents Elisabeth Eaves's insatiable hunger for the rush of the unfamiliar and the experience of encountering new people and cultures. Young and independent, she crisscrosses five continents and chases ...
Want to Go Private?
Published: 2011-08-01
Hardcover: 336 pages
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Abby and Luke chat online. They've never met. But they are going to. Soon. Abby is starting high school--it should be exciting, so why doesn't she care? Everyone tells her to \u0022make an effort,\u0022 but why can't she just be herself? Abby quickly feels like she's losing a grip on her o...
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