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Another Piece of My Heart
Published: 2012-03-13
Hardcover: 386 pages
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From the New York Times bestselling author of JEMIMA J, and THE BEACH HOUSE, comes Jane Green’s most emotional and powerful novel yet: a story that explores the complications of a woman marrying into a ready-made family, and the true meaning of motherhood. Andi has spent much of her ad...
Another Planet: A Year in the Life of a Suburban High School
Published: 2002-09-01
Paperback: 352 pages
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With a novelist's eye, Elinor Burkett takes readers behind the school system's closed doors, revealing a world of mixed messages, manufactured myths, and political hype.In the wake of school shootings across the country, one question haunted America: What is going wrong inside our nation's...
Another Roadside Attraction
Published: 1990-04-01
Paperback: 352 pages
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What if the Second Coming didn’t quite come off as advertised? What if “the Corpse” on display in that funky roadside zoo is really who they say it is—what does that portend for the future f western civilization? And what if a young clairvoyant named Amanda reestablishes the flea c...
The Answer Is Always Yes
Published: 2008-05-20
Hardcover: 400 pages
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The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life
Published: 2009-09-29
Paperback: 320 pages
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A key team member behind The Secret and his business partner offer the specific tools and mental strategies to help readers leap ahead in any career or business venture and achieve major financial success. In this visionary work, New York Times bestselling author John Assaraf and business ...
Answered Prayers: The Unfinished Novel
Published: 1994-03-29
Paperback: 176 pages
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Although Truman Capote’s last, unfinished novel offers a devastating group portrait of the high and low society of his time. Tracing the career of a writer of uncertain parentage and omnivorous erotic tastes, Answered Prayers careens from a louche bar in Tangiers to a banquette at La C...
Answers to Lucky
Published: 1997-02
Paperback: 0 pages
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Repeatedly compared to Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor, Howard Owen has firmly established himself as a major talent in Southern fiction. In "Answers to Lucky, " he once again earns this reputation by crafting an unforgettable tale of ambition, politics and the tidal draw of family. It beg...
Published: 1998
Paperback: 400 pages
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Antes que anochezca
Published: 1992
Paperback: 343 pages
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Nacio en Holguin (Cuba) en 1943, en el seno de una familia de campesinos. Desenganado de la Revolucion a la que, sin embargo, se habia adherido al principio y con la que incluso habia colaborado-, paso dos anos encarcelado por ser considerado un «peligro social» y «contrarrevolucionario», fama a...
Published: 2015-04-24
Paperback: 66 pages
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“My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose.” --- Ayn Rand, Anthem This Novella by Ayn Rand was first published in England in 1938. It takes place at some unspecified future date when mankind has entered another dark age characte...
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