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Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise
Published: 2006-05-10
Hardcover: 240 pages
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One father's mission to find his daughter I am a father who has no idea what has happened to his child. The questions run through my mind all day long. They keep me awake at night. Is she dead? Is she alive? Is she being held captive somewhere? Are they hurting her? Is she crying out for m...
Arundhati Roy's the God of Small Things: A Reader's Guide (Continuum Contemporaries)
Published: 2002-05
Paperback: 96 pages
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This is part of a new series of guides to contemporary novels. The aim of the series is to give readers accessible and informative introductions to some of the most popular, most acclaimed and most influential novels of recent years - from `The Remains of the Day' to `White Teeth'. A team of contemporary...
As a Man Thinketh
Published: 2011-07-03
Paperback: 62 pages
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James Allens classic AS A MAN THINKETH. The Bestselling Classic That Inspired "The Secret". AS A MAN THINKETH, Allen's most famous book, today is considered a classic self-help book. Its underlying premise is that noble thoughts make a noble person, while lowly thoughts make a miserable person. In "As...
As Always, Julia: The Letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto
Published: 2010-12-01
Hardcover: 432 pages
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With her outsize personality, Julia Child is known around the world by her first name alone. But despite that familiarity, how much do we really know of the inner Julia? Now more than 200 letters exchanged between Julia and Avis DeVoto, her friend and unofficial literary agent memorab...
As Darkness Falls
Published: 2010-07-01
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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On the edge of the outback the landscape can hide many secrets. Haunted by her past, Detective Isabelle O'Connell is recalled to duty to investigate the abduction of a child from her home town. She and DCI Alec Goddard have only days to find the girl alive, with few clues, a town filled with suspects...
As Far As the Heart Can See: Stories to Illuminate the Soul
Published: 2011-09-01
Paperback: 264 pages
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Stories carry the seeds of our humanness. They help us, teach us, heal us, and connect us to what matters. As Far As the Heart Can See is an invitation to be in relationship with deep and life-giving material. Poet and philosopher Mark Nepo reaches people through their hearts, bringing som...
As Good As It Got
Published: 2008-07-01
Paperback: 301 pages
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As High as the Heavens
Published: 2008-01-01
Paperback: 368 pages
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It is 1568 and Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in Lochleven Castle. But her supporters, including noblewoman Heather Gordon, are planning a rescue. Heather travels to a cottage in the frigid Highlands to teach a simple manwho just happens to resemble someone with access to Lochlevenhow to act the...
As Hot as It Was You Ought to Thank Me: A Novel
Published: 2005-02-01
Paperback: 358 pages
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As Husbands Go: A Novel
Published: 2010-07-06
Hardcover: 352 pages
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A rare mix of wit, social satire, and suspense, along with characters who leap from the page to speak directly to the reader -- a moving story about a love that just won't give up, As Husbands Go is the latest from critically acclaimed, bestselling author, Susan Isaacs. Call her superfic...
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