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Ascend (A Trylle Novel)
Published: 2012-04-24
Paperback: 326 pages
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Ascend... The final chapter in the Trylle Trilogy.With a war looming on the horizon, Wendy's fate seems sealed. But everything she sacrificed might be in vain if she can?t save the ones she loves. Her whole life has been leading up to this, and it's all coming to an end. ...
Ascent of Money
Published: 2009-09-01
Audio CD
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This is a financial history of the world and a major Channel 4 series. Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot: Call it what you like, it matters. To Christians, love of it is the root of all evil. To generals, it's the sinews of war. To revolutionaries, it's the chains of labour. But in "The Ascent of Money",...
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
Published: 2008-11-13
Hardcover: 442 pages
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Niall Ferguson follows the money to tell the human story behind the evolution of finance, from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals on what he calls Planet Finance. Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot, lucre, moolah, readies, the wherewithal: Call it what you like, it matt...
The Ascent: A Novel of Survival
Published: 2010-09-01
Hardcover: 376 pages
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After the death of his ex-wife, successful sculptor Tim Overleigh trades in his lucrative career for the world of extreme sports, but when a caving accident nearly ends his life, Tim falls into a self-destructive depression. On the cusp of madness, an old friend convinces him to join a tea...
Published: 2010-02-04
Hardcover: 320 pages
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Thirteen-year-old Gabriella Schramm's favorite pastime is reading. With Adolf Hitler slowly but unstoppably rising to power, Gaby turns to her books for comfort while the world around her changes dramatically: The streets become filled with soldiers, Gaby's sister's boyfriend raises his arm in a heil...
Ashes to Ashes
Published: 2006-06-27
Mass Market Paperback: 592 pages
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She writes the kind of thrillers that keep readers and critics awake all night.She grabs you with a story as frightening as your worst fears, as chilling as your unspoken secrets.She is New York Times bestselling writer Tami Hoag, today's most exciting master of suspense.��Ashes to Ashes i...
Ashes to Dust
Published: 2011-04-01
Paperback: 464 pages
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Thora peered at the floor, but couldn't see anything that could have frightened Markus that much, only three mounds of dust. She moved the light of her torch over them. It took her some time to realize what she was seeing-- and then it was all she could do not to let the torch slip from her hand. 'Good...
Published: 2011-09-27
Hardcover: 476 pages
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Many visitors to Yellowstone National Park don't realize that the boiling hot springs and spraying geysers are caused by an underlying supervolcano. It has erupted three times in the last 2.1 million years, and it will erupt again, changing the Earth forever. Fifteen-year-old Alex is home...
Ask a Mexican
Published: 2008-04-22
Paperback: 272 pages
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DEAR MEXICAN:WHAT IS �ASK A MEXICAN! ?Questions and answers about our spiciest Americans. I explore the clich�s of lowriders, busboys, and housekeepers; drunks and scoundrels; heroes and celebrities; and most important, millions upon millions of law-abiding, patriotic American citizens and...
Ask Again Later: A Novel
Published: 2007-02-01
Hardcover: 256 pages
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Emily has a tendency to live with one foot out the door. For her, the best thing about a family crisis is the excuse to cut and run. When her mother dramatically announces they've found a lump, Emily gladly takes a rain check on life to be by her mother's side, leaving behind her career, ...
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