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Balance, Peace, Harmony Journal
Published: 2010-04-23
Paperback: 204 pages
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Charlotte Hall the Best Selling Author of Women Give Men Too Much Power is a single mother of twin daughters that lives in the DFW area of Texas. She found that writing was a way to express some of your most intimate thoughts while healing from some of the most tumultuous and difficult times this journal...
Balancing Acts: A Novel
Published: 2010-03-01
Paperback: 384 pages
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A poignant debut novel about the transformative powers of yoga and friendship for four women on the verge of realizing their dreams With beauty, brains, and a high-paying Wall Street position, Charlie was a woman who seemed to have it all?until she turned thirty and took stock of her ...
The Ballad of Lucy Whipple
Published: 1998-04-03
Paperback: 218 pages
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Dear Gram and Grampop,Please do not address yours truly as California anymore, California Morning Whipple being a foolish name for a duck much less a girl. I call myself Lucy now. I cannot hate California and be California. I know you will understand.California doesn't suit Lucy Whipple --...
The Ballad of Tom Dooley: A Ballad Novel
Published: 2011-09-13
Hardcover: 320 pages
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A literary triumph?what began as a fictional re-telling of the historical account of one of the most famous mountain ballads of all time became an astonishing revelation of the real culprit responsible for the murder of Laura FosterHang down your head, Tom Dooley?The folk song, made famous...
The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggart
Published: 2008-06-01
Paperback: 276 pages
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The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggart: A Novel
Published: 2009-06-16
Paperback: 288 pages
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Meet Trenchmouth Taggart, a man born and orphaned in 1903, a man nicknamed for his lifelong oral affliction. His boyhood is shaped by the Widow Dorsett, a strong mountain woman who teaches him to hunt and to survive the taunts of others. In the hills of southern West Virginia, a boy grows...
The Ballad of West Tenth Street: A Novel (P.S.)
Published: 2009-04-01
Paperback: 306 pages
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Once upon a time in Manhattan . . . . . . there stood a pair of fine old brick townhouses on West Tenth Street. One had a blue door with a tarnished brass knocker in the shape of a dolphin. The other was empty. Behind the blue door lived Sadie, the widow of a famous British rocker who d...
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie
Published: 2009-10-01
Paperback: 353 pages
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FROM THE AUTHOR OF�THE�NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING NOVEL SHIVER "Ballad is giddy, intoxicating, and threatening all at once. ?Tamora Pierce Remember us, so sing the dead, lest we remember you James Morgan has an almost unearthly gift for music. And it has attracted Nuala, a soul-snat...
Ballistics: Poems
Published: 2010-02-16
Paperback: 128 pages
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In this moving and playful collection, Billy Collins touches on an array of subjects—love, death, solitude, youth, and aging—delving deeper than ever before into the intricate folds of life.
The Ballroom on Magnolia Street
Published: 2006-02-02
Paperback: 400 pages
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Shirley Winters is a daydreamer who loves vintage clothes and 80's music. She is also in love with gorgeous Declan Greenwood and can't believe her luck when her crush is rewarded with a swift marriage proposal. Older sister Kate, who enjoys collecting handbags and lovers with equal relish, is less than...
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