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Bento's Sketchbook
Published: 2011-11-08
Hardcover: 176 pages
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Bento's Sketchbook is an exploration of the practice of drawing, as well as a meditation on how we perceive and seek to explore our ever-changing relationship with the world around us.
Beowulf (Signet Classics)
Published: 1999-09-01
Mass Market Paperback: 160 pages
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The epic poem of war and adventure.Beowulf is the earliest extant poem in a modern European language. It was composed in England four centuries before the Norman Conquest. But no one knows exactly when it was composed, or by whom, or why. As a social document this great epic reflects a ...
Beowulf: A New Verse Translation (Bilingual Edition)
Published: 2001-02
Paperback: 213 pages
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Bergdorf Blondes: A Novel
Published: 2004-04-07
Hardcover: 320 pages
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Plum Sykes's beguiling debut welcomes readers to the glamorous world of Park Avenue Princesses, the girls who careen through Manhattan in search of the perfect Fake Bake (tan acquired from Portofino Tanning Salon), a ride on a PJ (private jet) with the ATM (rich boyfriend), and the ever-el...
Bergdorf Blondes
Published: 2007-05-01
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
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Berlin Diaries, 1940-1945
Published: 1988-06-12
Paperback: 368 pages
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The secret diaries of a twenty-three-year-old White Russian princess who worked in the German Foreign Office from 1940 to 1944 and then as a nurse, these pages give us a unique picture of wartime life in that sector of German society from which the 20th of July Plot -- the conspiracy to kill Hitler --...
The Bermuda Triangle
Published: 1974-09
Hardcover: 203 pages
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The Bermudez Triangle
Published: 2007-05-17
Paperback: 384 pages
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Nina, Mel and Avery have been best friends since they were tiny. But one summer can change everything. When Nina goes away for a month, she comes back to find the world has changed. Mel and Avery have their own secret: one Nina can't be part of. Ages 14 .
Bert & Ned: The Correspondence of Albert Tucker and Sidney Nolan
Published: 2006-01
Hardcover: 272 pages
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Albert Tucker and Sidney Nolan were friends and rivals but never antagonists for the whole of their working lives as artists. Together they participated in the struggle to establish modern art in Australia in the 1940s. From the outset they were regarded as major artists possessed of a powerful and original...
Published: 2011
Paperback: 273 pages
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