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Bridget Jones's Diary: A Novel(Penguin Ink)
Published: 2010-06-29
Paperback: 288 pages
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Helen Fielding's devastatingly self-aware, laugh-out-loud account of a year in the life of a thirty-something Singleton launched a genre and transcended the pages of fiction to become a cultural icon.
Bridget Jones's Diary: A Novel (Penguin Ink) (The Penguin Ink Series)
Published: 2010-06-29
Paperback: 288 pages
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Helen Fielding's devastatingly self-aware, laugh-out-loud account of a year in the life of a thirty-something Singleton launched a genre and transcended the pages of fiction to become a cultural icon.In the course of the year recorded in Bridget Jones's Diary, Bridget confides her hopes,...
The Brief and Woderous Life of Oscar Wao
Published: 2007
Paperback: 340 pages
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A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life
Published: 2007-09-11
Paperback: 256 pages
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Simone’s starting her junior year in high school. Her mom’s a lawyer for the ACLU, her dad’s a political cartoonist, so she’s grown up standing outside the organic food coop asking people to sign petitions for worthy causes. She’s got a terrific younger brothe...
Brief Encounters with Che Guevara: Stories (P.S.)
Published: 2007-04-01
Paperback: 229 pages
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Brief Gaudy Hour: A Novel of Anne Boleyn
Published: 2008-03-01
Paperback: 400 pages
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The enigmatic Anne Boleyn comes to life in this charming, brilliant portrayal by acclaimed British novelist Margaret Campbell Barnes. The infamous love of King Henry VIII and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn undertook a rocky journey from innocent courtier to powerful Queen of ...
The Brief History of the Dead
Published: 2007-01-09
Paperback: 272 pages
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From Kevin Brockmeier, one of this generation's most inventive young writers, comes a striking new novel about death, life, and the mysterious place in between. The City is inhabited by those who have departed Earth but are still remembered by the living. They will reside in this after...
A Brief History of the Middle East: From Abraham to Arafat
Published: 2006-10-17
Paperback: 309 pages
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In The Brief History of the Middle East author Christopher Catherwood attempts to show how our entire world is ultimately shaped by events that have unfolded or have their origin in the Middle East. Catherwood insists that, unless we allow ignorance to blind us?which to a certain extent it...
A Brief History of the Private Lives of the Roman Emperors
Published: 2008-02-05
Paperback: 256 pages
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Quick and accessible introduction to a moment in history. Rome has too often been depicted as a pinnacle of culture and civilization. The same could not be said for its emperors. Examining the private lives of the Caesars from Julius to Nero, Blond shows how they really lived in stark co...
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
Published: 1988
Hardcover: 198 pages
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Stephen Hawking has earned a reputation as the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein. In this landmark volume, Professor Hawking shares his blazing intellect with nonscientists everywhere, guiding us expertly to confront the supreme questions of the nature of time and the uni...
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