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The Christmas Secret
Published: 2011-11-01
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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When Eireanne O'Conner returns to Ballynaheath, her home in Ireland, for Christmas, she finds that her brother has married, her newsister-in-law's family is ever-present, and her friends, the Hannigantwins (YEAR OF LIVING SCANDOUSLY) are up to their usual tricks. Duringthe twelve days of C...
The Christmas Secret
Published: 2009-09-19
Kindle Edition: 304 pages
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When a struggling young single mother saves the life of an elderly woman, she sets into motion a series of events that will test her strength, loyalty, and determination, all the while setting her on the path to finding true love. Christine Eisley is the mother of seven-year-old Zach and f...
The Christmas Shoes (Christmas Hope Series #1)
Published: 2008-05-27
Kindle Edition: 144 pages
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Sometimes, the things that can change your life will cross your path in one instant-and then, in a fleeting moment, they're gone. But if you open your eyes, and watch carefully, you will believe....Robert is a successful attorney who has everything in life-and nothing at all. Focused on pr...
The Christmas Shoes: A Dramatic Musical for Christmas: Satb
Published: 2002-05
Paperback: 135 pages
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The Christmas Spirit: Memories of Family, Friends, and Faith
Published: 2010-11-02
Hardcover: 160 pages
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For many, the Christmas season can be filled with distractions and anxiety rather than the joy and peace it is supposed to bring. In The Christmas Spirit, his first holiday book, Joel Osteen offers uplifting and inspiring stories of family and friends celebrating Christmas traditions that ...
The Christmas Sweater
Published: 2010-10-26
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
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Based on a deeply personal true story, Glenn Beck’s bittersweet tale of boyhood memories, wrenching life lessons, and the true meaning of the giving season has touched the hearts of readers everywhere.If you could change your life by reversing your biggest regrets, sorrows, and mistakes ...
The Christmas Sweater
Published: 2008-11-11
Hardcover: 284 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 7 of 9 members
#1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned radio and television host Glenn Beck delivers an instant holiday classic about boyhood memories, wrenching life lessons, and the true meaning of the gifts we give to one another in love.If You Could Change Your Life by Reversing Your Bigges...
The Christmas Sweater
Published: 2010-10-26
Audio CD
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Glenn Beck's #1 New York Times bestselling holiday novel is now available on audio for only $14.99. When Eddie was twelve years old, all he wanted for Christmas was a bike. Although his life had gotten harder?and money tighter'since his father died, Eddie dreamed that somehow his mother ...
The Christmas Thief: A Novel
Published: 2006-10-31
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
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Mary Higgins Clark, America's Queen of Suspense, and her daughter, bestselling mystery writer Carol Higgins Clark, have again joined forces to create a suspenseful and humorous holiday tale.The folks who picked a beautiful eighty-foot blue spruce from Stowe, Vermont, to be Rockefeller Cent...
The Christmas Throwaway
Published: 2011-02-27
Paperback: 170 pages
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Christmas is a time for giving - what do you do when no one gives a damn? For Zachary Weston Christmas means sleeping on a churchyard bench in the freezing snow with nothing better in his future. Thrown out of his home for being gay, he is left without money or, it seems, anywhere to go. Until...
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