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Chronicles of Narnia Box Set
Published: 2010-10-26
Paperback: 0 pages
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Narnia . . . where a dragon awakens . . . where stars walk the earth . . . where anything can happen. Experience The Chronicles of Narnia in its entirety in time for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the third movie in the motion picture epic. This movie tie-in box contains the rack editi...
The Chronicles of Narnia
Published: 2010-10-26
Paperback: 768 pages
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Experience all seven books of C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, in one impressive paperback volume, featuring a still from the motion picture The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on the cover!Epic battles between good and evil, fantastic creatures, betrayals, heroic...
The Chronicles of Narnia
Published: 2005
Paperback: 0 pages
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Chrystallia and the Source of Light
Published: 2011-10-01
Hardcover: 296 pages
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In this beautifully illustrated children's fantasy story, two siblings struggle against sharp-edged, bedazzling foes to arrive at a place of knowing, to which they and everything belong. It's Christmas, but thirteen-year-old Maggie and her ten-year-old brother Jesse are anything but joyful. Their mother...
Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas
Published: 2007-07-03
Paperback: 432 pages
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SEX, DRUGS, AND COCOA PUFFSCHUCK KLOSTERMAN IVCONSISTS OF THREE PARTS:THINGS THAT ARE TRUEProfiles and trend stories: Britney Spears, Radiohead, Billy Joel, Metallica, Val Kilmer, Bono, Wilco, the White Stripes, Steve Nash, Morrissey, Robert Plant -- al...
Church Folk
Published: 2005-03-01
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
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Mississippi, 1963. Essie Lee Lane is a small-town girl who doesn't take "stuff" from nobody. Yet even she isn't ready for the Reverend Theophilus Simmons, one of the South's most fiery and respected young preachers. Down-to-earth, caring, and oh-so-fine, he's everything Essie never thought she'd find...
The Church of Dead Girls: A Novel
Published: 2001-05-15
Mass Market Paperback: 432 pages
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For decades, the faded, rural upstate New York village has lain dormant-until it is startlingly stirred to life when one by one, three young girls vanish...Nightmares are turned into horrifying reality when their corpses are found, brutally murdered, each missing their left hand...Now, as ...
Church of Lies
Published: 2010-03-01
Paperback: 328 pages
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From the Preface: "My name is Flora Jessop. I've been called apostate, vigilante, and crazy bitch, and maybe I am. But some people call me a hero, and I'd like to think they're right too. If I am a hero, maybe it's because every time I can play a part in saving a child or a woman fr...
Church Shift: Revolutionizing Your Faith, Church, and Life for the 21st Century
Published: 2008-02-05
Paperback: 224 pages
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Sunday Adelaja was born in Nigeria, Africa. As a teenager, he was recruited by Russian communists. Today he pastors one of the largest congregations in Eastern Europe, a congregation that had a direct influence on the regime change during the Orange Revolution. ChurchShift, based on his...
Published: 2009-11-03
Hardcover: 192 pages
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An acclaimed historian presents a revelatory look at the greatest statesman of the twentieth century For eminent historian Paul Johnson, Winston Churchill remains an enigma in need of unraveling. Soldier, parliamentarian, Prime Minister, orator, painter, writer, husband, and leader-all of ...
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