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Collateral Damage (The Sisterhood: Rules of the Game, Book 4)
Published: 2008-10-01
Paperback: 309 pages
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Through all their adventures, the bond of the Sisterhood has remained steadfast and unshakeable. But for the first time, the Sisterhood verges on falling apart when the ladies have to choose between two difficult assignments. The first job guarantees a huge paycheck; the second offers a presidential...
Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas 1934-1952 (New Directions Book)
Published: 1971-06
Paperback: 203 pages
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Dylan Thomas's poems gambol and frisk across the tongue and imagination like those of few poets I have ever read. His choicely crafted (and often synaesthetic) phrases, his musicality, and his laughingly lilting language are nicely captured by the first two stanzas of Fern Hill--read ...
The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes (Vintage Classics)
Published: 1995-10-31
Paperback: 736 pages
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"The ultimate book for both the dabbler and serious scholar--. [Hughes] is sumptuous and sharp, playful and sparse, grounded in an earthy music--. This book is a glorious revelation."--Boston GlobeSpanning five decades and comprising 868 poems (nearly 300 of which have never before appeare...
The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni: 1968-1998 (P.S.)
Published: 2007-02-01
Paperback: 512 pages
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This omnibus covers Nikki Giovanni's complete work of poetry from 1967?1983. THE COLLECTED POETRY OF NIKKI GIOVANNI will include the complete volumes of five adult books of poetry: Black Feeling Black Talk/Black Judgement, My House, The Women and the Men, Cotton Candy on a Rainy Day, and T...
Collected Stories (Everyman's Library)
Published: 2006-10-17
Hardcover: 888 pages
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(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)The only hardcover edition of Roald Dahl's stories for adults, the Collected Stories amply showcases his singular gifts as a fabulist and a born storyteller.Later known for his immortal children's books, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and t...
Collected Stories (P.S.)
Published: 2005-12-01
Paperback: 632 pages
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With the profound maturity and exquisite eye for detail that never failed to capture readers of her prize-winning novels, Carol Shields dazzles with these remarkable stories. Generous, delightful, and acutely observed, this essential collection illuminates the miracles that grace our lives...
Collected Stories of Carson McCullers, including The Member of the Wedding and The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
Published: 1998-09-15
Paperback: 416 pages
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Carson McCullers--novelist, dramatist, poet--was at the peak of her powers as a writer of short fiction. Here are nineteen stories that explore her signature themes: wounded adolescence, loneliness in marriage, and the tragicomedy of life in the South. Here too are "The Member of the Weddi...
The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
Published: 1982-02-01
Paperback: 648 pages
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With a preface written by the author especially for this edition, this is the complete collection of stories by Eudora Welty. Including the earlier collections A Curtain of Green, The Wide Net, The Golden Apples, and The Bride of the Innisfallen, as well as previously uncollected ones...
The Collectibles
Published: 2010-11-30
Paperback: 310 pages
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"A must read for all ages and all walks of life...most enjoyable lesson in life I've ever experienced."~ Debra Haupt, Barnes & Noble Book Club Moderation & Reviewer for Penguin and Grand Central. "A Life-Changing, inspirational, heart-wrenching novel..." ~ NY Times bestselling author, Susa...
The Collector
Published: 2004
Paperback: 282 pages
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