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A Room of One's Own
Published: 2013-11-19
Paperback: 114 pages
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Why is it that men, and not women, have always had power, wealth, and fame? Woolf cites the two keys to freedom: fixed income and one's own room. "A Room of One's Own" is an extended essay by Virginia Woolf. The essay was based on a series of lectures she delivered at Newnham College and Girton College,...
Trickster's Point: A Novel (Cork O'Connor Mystery Series)
Published: 2013-05-07
Paperback: 329 pages
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William Kent Krueger’s latest New York Times bestseller is a thrilling exploration of the motives, both good and ill, that lead men and women into the difficult, sometimes deadly, political arena. The dying don’t easily become the dead. Cork O’Connor is sitting in the shadow of a t...
Beneath My Mother's Feet
Published: 2011-04-19
Paperback: 208 pages
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"Our lives will always be in the hands of our mothers, whether we like it or not." Nazia doesn't mind when her friends tease and call her a good beti, a dutiful daughter. Growing up in a working-class family in Karachi, Pakistan, Nazia knows that obedience is the least she can give to her ...
What We Talk About When We Talk About God CD
Published: 2013-03-12
Audio CD
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"I've written this book because there's a growing sense that when it comes to God, we're at the end of one era and the start of another, an entire mode of understanding and talking about God is dying as something new is being birthed."—from What We Talk About When We Talk About GodHow Go...
What We Talk About When We Talk About God
Published: 2014-02-04
Paperback: 240 pages
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New York Times bestselling author Rob Bell, whom the The New Yorker describes as “one of the most influential Christian leaders in the county,” does for the concept of God what he did for heaven and hell in his book Love Wins: He shows how traditional ideas have grown stale and dysfunc...
The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew
Published: 2014-01-14
Hardcover: 157 pages
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“Alan Lightman brings a light touch to heavy questions. Here is a book about nesting ospreys, multiple universes, atheism, spiritualism, and the arrow of time. Throughout, Lightman takes us back and forth between ordinary occurrences—old shoes and entropy, sailing far out at sea and th...
Feeling Sorry for Celia: A Novel (Ashbury/Brookfield Books)
Published: 2002-01-10
Paperback: 276 pages
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A #1 Bestseller in Australia and Book Sense 76 PickLife is pretty complicated for Elizabeth Clarry. Her best friend Celia keeps disappearing, her absent father suddenly reappears, and her communication with her mother consists entirely of wacky notes left on the fridge. On top of everythin...
Loving; Living; Party Going (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
Published: 1993-02-01
Paperback: 528 pages
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Fortunate Son: A Novel of the Greatest Trial in Irish History
Published: 2014-02-25
Paperback: 350 pages
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Meet James Annesley, son of 18th Century Ireland. Though you may have never heard his name before, his story has already touched you in profound ways. Now, for the first time, novelist David Marlett brings that incredible story to life.Stretching from the dirty streets of Ireland to the en...
Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All
Published: 2011-10-11
Hardcover: 320 pages
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Ten years after the worldwide bestseller Good to Great, Jim Collins returns withanother groundbreaking work, this time to ask: why do some companies thrive inuncertainty, even chaos, and others do not? Based on nine years of research,buttressed by rigorous analysis and infused with engagin...
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