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Strategy and the Fat Smoker; Doing What's Obvious But Not Easy
Published: 2008-01-02
Hardcover: 275 pages
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We often (or even usually) know what we should be doing in both personal and professional life. We also know why we should be doing it and (often) how to do it. Figuring all that out is not too difficult. What is very hard is actually doing what you know to be good for you in the long-run,...
The Art and Spirit of Leadership
Published: 2012-01-09
Paperback: 326 pages
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If you believe that deepening self-awareness and fostering creativity within ourselves and others are important ways we can grow as leaders, then you will find The Art and Spirit of Leadership a welcome companion on your journey. This is a book not to be read so much as to be experienced, as Judy Sorum...
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness 25th Anniversary Edition
Published: 2002-11
Hardcover: 370 pages
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Twenty-five years ago Robert Greenleaf published these prophetic essays on what he coined servant leadership, a practical philosophy that replaces traditional autocratic leadership with a holistic, ethical approach. This highly influential book has been embraced by cutting edge management everywhere....
Exploiting Chaos: 150 Ways to Spark Innovation During Times of Change
Published: 2009-09-01
Paperback: 272 pages
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The hottest trend spotter in North America reveals powerful strategies for thriving in any economic climate. Did you know that Hewlett?Packard, Disney, Hyatt, MTV, CNN, Microsoft, Burger King, and GE all started during periods of economic recession? Periods of uncertainty fuel tremendous o...
The Power of Purpose: Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better
Published: 2010-05-10
Paperback: 192 pages
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What really matters? How should we grapple with the many political, economic, medical, and spiritual crises we seem to encounter on a daily basis? What can we count on when everything around us seems so ephemeral? Coach, leadership legend and vitality expert Richard Leider argues tha...
StandOut: The Groundbreaking New Strengths Assessment from the Leader of the Strengths Revolution
Published: 2011-09-13
Hardcover: 240 pages
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StandOut, the revolutionary new book and online assessment tool from Marcus Buckingham, is the result of extensive research, statistical testing, and analysis of the world's top performers. From the coauthor of Now, Discover Your Strengths and the recognized leader of the strengths movem...
Change the Way You See Everything through Asset-Based Thinking
Published: 2006-03-01
Hardcover: 152 pages
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This brilliantly simple book on the philosophy known as Asset-Based Thinking, instills success-oriented habits in even the most die-hard cynic. Its transformational lessons--conveyed through unique photographic metaphors and inspiring stories from real people--reveal how the slightest shif...
Management Rev Ed
Published: 2008-04-22
Hardcover: 608 pages
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The essential book on management from the man who invented the disciplineNow completely revised and updated for the first time
The Circle of Innovation: You Can't Shrink Your Way to Greatness
Published: 1999-06-15
Paperback: 544 pages
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In 1982, business guru Tom Peters co-authored In Search of Excellence, one of the most influential business guides of all time. More recently, through 400 seminars in 47 states and 22 countries, Peters reexamined, refined and reinvented his views on innovation--the #1 survival strategy, he...
Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference
Published: 2013-04-15
Paperback: 608 pages
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This third edition is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the bestselling text for undergraduate leadership courses. This book is designed for college students to help them understand that they are capable of being effective leaders and guide them in developing their leadership pot...
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