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Little Island
Published: 2013-09-03
Paperback: 320 pages
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FROM THE AUTHOR OF HER SISTER'S SHADOW Grace Flowers By the water Have fun! These are Joy’s grandmother’s last words?left behind on a note. A note that Joy’s mother, Grace, has interpreted as instructions for her memorial service. And so, the far-flung clan will gathe...
Heist Society (A Heist Society Novel)
Published: 2011-05-17
Paperback: 304 pages
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For as long as she can remember, Katarina has been a part of the family business-thieving. When Kat tries to leave "the life" for a normal life, her old friend Hale conspires to bring her back into the fold. Why? A mobster's art collection has been stolen, and Kat's father is the only su...
The Harem Midwife: A Novel
Published: 2014-02-25
Paperback: 352 pages
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AN OPULENT, CAPTIVATING, AND SUSPENSEFUL HISTORICAL NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE THRILLING INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER THE MIDWIFE OF VENICE The Imperial Harem, Constantinople, 1578. Hannah and Isaac Levi, Venetians in exile, have overcome unfathomable obstacles to begin life anew in the Ott...
Shades of Gray
Published: 2014-01-29
Paperback: 388 pages
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The sirens blared, but all I heard was the sound of my heart thumping as I ran down the unruly hallways of Malcolm High School…I was on a mission. Second chances prove to be lifesaving in Susanne Jacoby Hale’s moving debut novel, Shades of Gray. Olivia Dalton has always lived for her j...
Children of the City: A Novel on Human Trafficking in America
Published: 2014-04-09
Paperback: 234 pages
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A Novel on Human Trafficking in America No one was looking for them. They were invisible. When local reporter, Kayla Barrington, crossed paths with an orphan boy on the streets of Denver, Colorado, she didn’t know the world of human trafficking hid in her city. Under the facade, a highly networked...
Mice Are Nice (Step-Into-Reading, Step 2)
Published: 1999-06-15
Paperback: 32 pages
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These are just three of the reasons why mice are nice. It is indisputable that mice make the best pets of all. The other pets in Babette's pet store will drop feathers everywhere, growl, hide inside their shells, chew your favorite socks, and maybe even make you sneeze! So it's clear that mice are the...
Born at Dawn (Urban Books)
Published: 2014-09-30
Paperback: 288 pages
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Thirty-four year old Cynthia Barclay knows that marriage is supposed to be for better or for worse. Unfortunately, for the last ten years of her marriage Cynthia has experienced the worst that marriage has to offer at the hands of her abusive husband Marvin Barclay. With the hope of saving...
Suddenly, a Knock on the Door: Stories
Published: 2012-03-27
Paperback: 208 pages
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Bringing up a child, lying to the boss, placing an order in a fast-food restaurant: in Etgar Keret’s new collection, daily life is complicated, dangerous, and full of yearning. In his most playful and most mature work yet, the living and the dead, silent children and talking animals, dre...
The Illuminated Soul
Published: 2002-02-18
Hardcover: 240 pages
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Eva Laquedem, a scientist who has fled Prague at the outbreak of World War II, settled briefly in Japan, and then traveled rootlessly like the legendary Wandering Jew, arrives, by accident, in Windsor, Canada, at the home of a devout widow and her two sons. Within her purse she carries t...
Psalmsongs: A Gathering of Psalms
Published: 2014-04-04
Hardcover: 340 pages
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As stand-alone poetry, these psalmsongs are elegantly crafted, startlingly fresh, and consistently reflective of a wise and humble spirit. For the reader of the Book of Psalms in English, they represent something between a translation and a reactive commentary, challenging the reader to awaken from the...
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