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The Prayer Box
Published: 2013-08-16
Kindle Edition: 401 pages
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ECPA 2014 Christian Book Award Finalist, Christy Award Finalist, Christianity Today Book Award Finalist!When Iola Anne Poole, an old-timer on Hatteras Island, passes away in her bed at ninety-one, the struggling young mother in her rental cottage, Tandi Jo Reese, finds herself charged wi...
Evil Under the Sun: A Hercule Poirot Mystery (Hercule Poirot Mysteries)
Published: 2011-08-30
Paperback: 272 pages
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The Queen of Mystery has come to Harper Collins! Agatha Christie, the acknowledged mistress of suspense—creator of indomitable sleuth Miss Marple, meticulous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, and so many other unforgettable characters—brings her entire oeuvre of ingenious whodunits, lo...
THE MESSAGE ON THE QUILT (The Quilt Chronicles)
Published: 2013-04-01
Paperback: 320 pages
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Return to historic Nebraska for the stunning conclusion to The Quilt Chronicles. When Emilie Rhodes convinces her newspaper editor father to assign her to interview the speakers at the 1890 Chautauqua series, she meets and falls in love with ?The Man of Many Voices.” But Noah Shaw�...
Russka: The Novel of Russia
Published: 2005-03-01
Paperback: 960 pages
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"Impressive."THE WASHINGTON POST BOOK WORLDSpanning 1800 years of Russia's history, people, poltics, and culture, Edward Rurtherford, author of the phenomenally successful SARUM: THE NOVEL OF ENGLAND, tells a grand saga that is as multifaceted as Russia itself. Here is a story of a great c...
The Rebels of Ireland: The Dublin Saga
Published: 2007-02-27
Paperback: 896 pages
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The reigning master of grand historical fiction returns with the stirring conclusion to his bestselling Dublin Saga. The Princes of Ireland, the first volume of Edward Rutherfurd’s magisterial epic of Irish history, ended with the disastrous Irish revolt of 1534 and the disappearance ...
Seven Days to the Sea: An Epic Novel Of The Exodus
Published: 2006-03-01
Hardcover: 395 pages
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As a child, Miryam foretells the birth of a leader who will save theirpeople from oppression—a vision so vivid that she dedicates her lifeto seeing it fulfilled in her brother, Moses. But after many years,she wonders in the deepest confines of her heart if her sacrificesmean anything, if...
The Three: A Novel
Published: 2014-05-20
Hardcover: 480 pages
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Four simultaneous plane crashes. Three child survivors. A religious fanatic who insists the three are harbingers of the apocalypse. What if he's right?The world is stunned when four commuter planes crash within hours of each other on different continents. Facing global panic, officials are...
God Sleeps in Rwanda: A Journey of Transformation
Published: 2011-01-11
Paperback: 272 pages
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Joseph Sebarenzi’s parents, seven siblings, and countless other family members were among 800,000 Tutsi brutally murdered over the course of ninety days in 1994 by extremist Rwandan Hutu—an efficiency that exceeded even that of the Nazi Holocaust. His father sent him away to school in ...
The Real Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Published: 2012-01-03
Hardcover: 368 pages
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A surprising and very personal biography of a woman who may be the world's last great queen, published to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of her reignElizabeth II, one of England's longest-reigning monarchs, is an enigma. In public, she confines herself to optimistic pieties and gua...
The Room
Published: 2011
Paperback: 0 pages
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From the Back Cover: "To five-year old, Jack, Room is the world. It's where he was born, it's where he and his Ma eat and sleep and play and learn. At night, Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where Jack is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits. Room is home to Jack, but to Ma it's the prison where...
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