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Published: 2012-10-15
Paperback: 308 pages
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Surviving the Fourth Cycle is a uniquely-told, true story about overcoming suicide, for anyone affected by the harsh realities of mental illness. Nathan Daniels rips his closet door off its hinges and the skeletons come rattling out through his intense writing. Read along as he picks through the bones,...
I've Never Been to Vegas, but My Luggage Has: Mishaps and Miracles on the Road to Happily Ever After
Published: 2014-03-11
Paperback: 288 pages
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NOW A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!!!!Wrong turns, humiliating flops, painful heartbreaks--and happiness? Yes, believe it or not, they can go hand in hand. Blogger and author Mandy Hale, affectionately known as "The Single Woman" to her half-million social-media followers, is living an advent...
Work, Love, Pray: Practical Wisdom for Young Professional Christian Women and Those Who Want to Understand Them
Published: 2011-09-19
Paperback: 256 pages
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The number of Christian women in today's professional workforce is increasing, and they are hungry for practical mentoring. They yearn to learn from someone who has climbed the ladder of success without sacrificing family or faith—something author Diane Paddison has done with excellence ...
Maiden Voyages: Writings of Women Travelers
Published: 1993-09-28
Paperback: 464 pages
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A collection of travelogues by distinguished women authors includes the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft, Vita Sackville-West, Annie Dillard, Isak Dinesen, Rebecca West, Willa Cather, Margaret Mead, and Mary McCarthy, among others. 20,000 first printing.
The Stories of Jane Gardam
Published: 2014-06-03
Hardcover: 336 pages
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From the inimitable Jane Gardam, whose Old Filth trilogy cemented her status as one of England’s greatest living novelists, comes a collection of short stories that showcase her subversive wit, gentle humor, and insight into the human condition. Gardam’s versatility is on full display,...
Spirit Song: The Introduction of No-Eyes
Published: 1993-02-01
Paperback: 160 pages
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The first volume in a series of books written by Mary Summer Rain about her experiences with an extraordinary Native American shaman called "No-Eyes," Spirit Song has become one of the best-selling and most important books in the literature and philosophy of what has been called the "new-a...
Phoenix Rising: No-Eyes' Vision of the Changes to Come
Published: 1989-04-06
Paperback: 172 pages
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Mary Summer Rain's relationship with the old and wise Indian shaman No-Eyes, introduced in Spirit Song, continues, as she reveals to Mary her compelling visions of the future. From the setting in the simple mountain cabin, No-Eyes takes her on a sometimes frightening journey through time, ...
Published: 2012-04-12
Hardcover: 400 pages
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A bold and exciting literary novel that contemplates the elusive line between truth and self-perception. Ambitious and assured, Absolution propels the reader to the final page in a drive to discover the secrets and truths at its core. How or why did a young antiapartheid activist disappea...
The Untold
Published: 2014-05-29
Hardcover: 288 pages
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With shades of Water for Elephants and True Grit, a stunning debut novel set in the Australian outback about a female horse thief, her bid for freedom, and the two men trying to capture her. It is 1921. In a mountain-locked valley, Jessie is on the run. Born wild and brave, by twent...
The Crystal Cave (The Arthurian Saga, Book 1)
Published: 2003-05-06
Paperback: 494 pages
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Born the bastard son of a Welsh princess, Myridden Emrys -- or as he would later be known, Merlin -- leads a perilous childhood, haunted by portents and visions. But destiny has great plans for this no-man's-son, taking him from prophesying before the High King Vortigern to the crowning of...
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