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The Negro Family: The Case for National Action
Published: 1981-08-27
Hardcover: 78 pages
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This book discusses the problems of the Negro American and the Negro family structure, and particularly the problems confronting the nation in the effort to establish a stable Negro family structure.
The Mis-Education of the Negro
Published: 2013-08-07
Paperback: 144 pages
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This is a beautiful designed large format edition of the classic THE MIS-EDUCATION OF THE NEGRO by Carter G. Woodson. One of the most important books on education ever written.
The Evolution of American Urban Society (8th Edition)
Published: 2014-07-17
Paperback: 288 pages
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Traces the history of urban social relations and urban geography The Evolution of American Urban History blends historical perspectives on society, economics, politics, and policy, while focusing on the ways in which diverse peoples have inhabited and interacted in cities....
From Plantation to Ghetto (American Century)
Published: 1976-03-01
Paperback: 406 pages
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This pioneering work in African American history begins with the earliest experiences of blacks in the United States and offers an in-depth account of slavery, post-Civil War urban life, the place of religion in African American life, political activism, and the changing occupational and e...
Black Bourgeoisie: The Book That Brought the Shock of Self-Revelation to Middle-Class Blacks in America
Published: 1997-02-13
Paperback: 264 pages
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A classic analysis of the Black middle class studies its origin and development, accentuating its behavior, attitudes, and values during the 1940s and 1950sTitle: Black BourgeoisieAuthor: Frazier, Edward Franklin/ Wilson, William Julius (INT)Publisher: Simon & SchusterPublication Date: 199...
Darwin's Athletes: How Sport Has Damaged Black America and Preserved the Myth of Race
Published: 1997-11-03
Paperback: 384 pages
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DARWIN'S ATHLETES focuses on society's fixation with black athletic achievement. Hoberman argues that this obsession has come to play a troubling role in African American life and our country's race relations. Rich, flamboyant superstars lend credence to age-old prejudices, recycled "scien...
I, Walter
Published: 2013-05-10
Paperback: 224 pages
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Walter Crofter was born into Elizabethan England. In a country and a time where favor and politics were both deadly, can an honest boy stay true to himself? Especially given his family background? I, Walter is the first in a series of books in a saga which will span continents and time to arrive in present...
Never a Dull Moment: The Hartner Family in America
Published: 2007-03-26
Kindle Edition: 151 pages
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Lost! Hidden quietly away in the dark attic, and waiting for discovery. The story of a young man, and his friend as they discover hidden gems of his family's history.
Dear Hearts: A Portrait of George and Marie
Published: 2007-12-03
Paperback: 140 pages
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Marie and George were hands-on grandparents. There were times when the grandchildren entertained themselves with bumper pool, tag in the yard, the rock garden, or the oak tree in the back. More often than not, though, you would find Marie playing 'spite and malice' or 'Connect 4' or something with her...
From the Heart
Published: 2004-01-27
Paperback: 170 pages
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A personal love story told from the perspective of a husband to his wife and first born child.
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