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Portrait of Guilt
Published: 2014-06-17
Kindle Edition: 299 pages
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Two policeman, Robert Warnock and Damon Wolfe are ousted from the force when they urinate against an Indian temple. Experiencing hardship, they devise a plot to kidnap the elderly wife of George Pope, a recent lottery winner. The criminals find themselves up against Indian vigilantes, a persistent private...
Apostle of the Tyrants
Published: 2014-05-01
Paperback: 258 pages
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Disgraced soldier, Jack Foley is summoned to York by his eccentric ex-father in law, Professor Charles Fanshawe, who is convinced that someone is replicating Hitler's initial atrocities. He persuades Foley to investigate, with the lure of half a million pounds. Foley teams up with German journalist,...
The Dry
Published: 2013-11-22
Paperback: 266 pages
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The Dry is a children's historical fantasy that combines the awful truths of the mining world in 1895 West Virginia with an adventure story about a boy who goes on a search for his father and discovers a world underground overrun with giant insects. Some insects are good, some are bad, and...
September Again (September Stories Book 2)
Published: 2014-04-13
Kindle Edition: 108 pages
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According to Cherokee beliefs, opportunity will bless you twice. September Again, second in the series, September Stories, is the follow up to the hugely popular indie sensation, September Ends. September Again finds Liz Snow Savage leaving England. She follows her daughter Zelda Savage b...
September Verses (September Stories Book 3)
Published: 2014-05-30
Kindle Edition: 56 pages
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The poetry from the Best Sellers SEPTEMBER ENDS and SEPTEMBER AGAIN, with special never-before-seen editor's notes. The verses in September Ends and September again were written in a manic creative upswing. They formed the spine around which the stories blossomed. September Verses takes...
Fortune Calling: The Story of Dallas Fortune. (The Fortune Series Book 1)
Published: 2014-01-20
Kindle Edition: 23 pages
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Guitars. Hillbilly Music. Nashville, Tennessee. Dallas Fortune is a small town girl with a gift for playing guitar. A member of her family has played the Grand Ol Opry since it began as a simple radio show in 1925. But, they are the minstrels, the troubadours--session players--not stars....
Joshua: A Brooklyn Tale
Published: 2011-12-07
Paperback: 484 pages
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Against a backdrop of racial tensions and spanning four decades, JOSHUA: A Brooklyn Tale explores the entanglements of three lives: Joshua Eubanks, a young black man struggling to overcome the crime, drugs, and despair of the streets; Rachel Weissman, daughter of a Hassidic rabbi, wrestlin...
The Passing Bells: A Novel (Greville Family)
Published: 2012-12-04
Paperback: 544 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 1 of 1 members
Before Downton Abbey, there was Abingdon Pryory, the elegant country home of the Grevilles—a titled English family who, along with their servants, see their world turned upside down when England goes to war. Once their well-kept lawns and whirling social seasons give way to the horrors o...
Hallowe'en Party: A Hercule Poirot Mystery (Hercule Poirot Mysteries)
Published: 2011-06-14
Paperback: 272 pages
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The Queen of Mystery has come to Harper Collins! Agatha Christie, the acknowledged mistress of suspense—creator of indomitable sleuth Miss Marple, meticulous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, and so many other unforgettable characters—brings her entire oeuvre of ingenious whodunits, lo...
Pack Up the Moon
Published: 2014-03-04
Paperback: 384 pages
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A poignant novel about loss, lies, and the unbreakable bonds of family.Three years after a horrible tragedy took her son and tore her family apart, artist Kate Monroe is beginning to pick up the pieces of her life and move on. At a gala showcasing her triumphant return to the art world, Ka...
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