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Blue Horizon (Courtney Family Adventures)
Published: 2004-04-19
Mass Market Paperback: 800 pages
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With adventure in their blood, Jim and Mansur Courtney seek to carve out a life for themselves and their families in the unexplored splendor of Africa. But laying claim to a land devastated by war yields unexpected risks. No sooner does their journey unfold than their destiny changes with ...
Blue is for Nightmares
Published: 2003-11-01
Paperback: 283 pages
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� "I Know Your Secret . . ."Boarding school junior Stacey Brown has nightmares too real to ignore.� Her nightmares come true. This time they're about Drea, her best friend who's become the target of one seriously psycho stalker. To� try and protect her, Stacey's working with what she knows...
Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before
Published: 2002-10-02
Hardcover: 496 pages
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In an exhilarating tale of historic adventure, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Confederates in the Attic retraces the voyages of Captain James Cook, the Yorkshire farm boy who drew the map of the modern world Captain James Cook's three epic journeys in the 18th century were the last g...
Blue Like Jazz
Published: 2003
Mass Market Paperback: 0 pages
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This is the Mass Market Edition and is smaller than the original "I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. . . . I used to not like God because God didn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened." In Donald Miller's early years, he was vaguely familiar with a distant God....
Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
Published: 2003-07-17
Paperback: 256 pages
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"I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. I used to not like God because God didn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened." ?Donald Miller In Donald Miller's early years, he was vaguely familiar with a distant God. But when he came to know Jesus Christ, he p...
Blue Monday: A Novel
Published: 2012-03-01
Hardcover: 322 pages
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The stunning first book in a new series of psychological thrillers introducing an unforgettable London psychotherapistFrieda Klein is a solitary, incisive psychotherapist who spends her sleepless nights walking along the ancient rivers that have been forced underground in modern London...
Blue Moon (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Book 8)
Published: 2002-09-24
Mass Market Paperback: 432 pages
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The Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter backlist lights up the night. In her eighth adventure, Anita Blake can't turn her back on a former lover during the full moon. Especially since he's behind bars-and he's a werewolf... Anita Blake makes a living raising the dead. She also executes rogue va...
Blue Moon (The Immortals, Book 2)
Published: 2009-07-07
Paperback: 304 pages
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Alyson's Noël's bestselling Immortals series has been hailed as ?addictive? ?beautiful? ?haunting? and ?mesmerizing.? In the second installment, Ever can bring her family back from the dead?but only if she's willing to sacrifice the guy she loves more than life itself. Just as...
Blue Moon Bay
Published: 2012-02-01
Paperback: 384 pages
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Heather Hampton returns to Moses Lake, Texas, to help facilitate the sale of a family farm as part of a planned industrial plant that will provide the area with much-needed jobs. Heather's future fiance has brokered the deal, and Heather is in line to do her first large-scale architectural...
The Blue Moon Circus: A Novel
Published: 2004-03-01
Paperback: 352 pages
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"An absolute charmer."--Library Journal Starred Review"Simply put, this is a ripsnorting good historical yarn full of circus lore, so smartly told by an expert storyteller that it's the kind of book truly deserving that overused term 'page-turner.'"--Chicago Sun-Times"With no safety net, R...
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