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Candy Licker: An Urban Erotic Tale
Published: 2005-12-27
Paperback: 304 pages
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SHE WANTED TO BE A HIP-HOP STAR BUT THE STREETS GOT IN THE WAY.Have you ever laid down with a man and wasn’t sure if you’d ever get back up? Tossed the sheets with a bone-knocking fear that only a hard-core hustler could produce? Sexed him like your life depended on it, because...
Candyfreak: A Journey through the Chocolate Underbelly of America
Published: 2005-04-04
Paperback: 288 pages
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A self-professed candyfreak, Steve Almond set out in search of a much-loved candy from his childhood and found himself on a tour of the small candy companies that are persevering in a marketplace where big corporations dominate.From the Twin Bing to the Idaho Spud, the Valomilk to the Abba...
The Candymakers
Published: 2010-10-05
Hardcover: 464 pages
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Four children have been chosen to compete in a national competition to find the tastiest confection in the country. Who will invent a candy more delicious than the Oozing Crunchorama or the Neon Lightning Chew?Logan, the Candymaker's son, who can detect the color of chocolate by touch alon...
Cane (Second Edition) (Norton Critical Editions)
Published: 2010-12-15
Paperback: 560 pages
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A masterpiece of the Harlem Renaissance and a canonical work in both the American and the African American literary traditions, Cane is now available in a revised and expanded Norton Critical Edition. Originally published in 1923, Jean Toomer's Cane remains an innovative literary work?par...
Cane River
Published: 2001
Audio CD
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Lalita Tademy was vice president of Sun Microsystems until she left corporate life to research the history of her family. The result of her two-year search is Cane River, a novel which quickly became both a New York Times best-seller and an Oprah's Book Club¨ selection. Cane River is an isolated community...
Cane River (Oprah's Book Club)
Published: 2002-04-01
Paperback: 560 pages
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The "New York Times" bestseller and Oprah's Book Club Pick--the unique and deeply moving epic of four generations of African-American women based on one family's ancestral past.
Cannery Row: (Centennial Edition)
Published: 2002-02-05
Paperback: 192 pages
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Steinbeck's tough yet charming portrait of people on the margins of society, dependant on one another for both physical and emotional survival Unburdened by the material necessities of the more fortunate, the denizens of Cannery Row discover rewards unknown in more traditional society. Hen...
Perfect Paperback: 0 pages
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Combining southern warmth with unabashed emotion and side-splitting hilarity, Fannie Flagg takes readers back to Elmwood Springs, Missouri, where the most unlikely and surprising experiences of a high-spirited octogenarian inspire a town to ponder the age-old question: Why are we here?Life...
The Canterbury Papers: A Novel
Published: 2005-01-04
Paperback: 368 pages
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The only thing I felt was a strong hand around my neck, another around my waist, and -- before I could cry out -- I smelled the thick, sweet scent of a mandrake-soaked cloth. Unforgiving hands clapped it against my face, and all went dark.Alaïs, the king of France's sister, is abducted wh...
The Canterbury Tales (original-spelling Middle English edition) (Penguin Classics)
Published: 2005-08-30
Paperback: 1328 pages
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At the Tabard Inn in Southwark, a jovial group of pilgrims assembles, including an unscrupulous Pardoner, a noble-minded Knight, a ribald Miller, the lusty Wife of Bath, and Chaucer himself. As they set out on their journey towards the shrine of Thomas a Becket in Canterbury, each character agrees to...
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