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Gay American Autobiography: Writings from Whitman to Sedaris (Living Out: Gay and Lesbian Autobiog)
Published: 2009-04-01
Paperback: 426 pages
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In the first anthology to survey the full range of gay men's autobiographical writing from Walt Whitman to the present, Gay American Autobiography draws excerpts from letters, journals, oral histories, memoirs, and autobiographies to provide examples of the best life writing over the last ...
A Gay and Melancholy Sound (Nancy Pearl's Book Lust Rediscoveries)
Published: 2012-04-03
Paperback: 584 pages
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The first book in nationally renowned librarian Nancy Pearl’s new Book Lust Rediscoveries series, this lost literary classic is available for the first time in decades. As funny and entertaining as it is captivating and heartrending, A Gay and Melancholy Sound is a shattering depiction o...
A Gay and Melancholy Sound
Published: 2012-07-01
Preloaded Digital Audio Player: 0 pages
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The Gazebo
Published: 1999-05
Hardcover: 224 pages
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The Gazebo is an elegantly written story of enduring love and loyalty, in the popular tradition of The Bridges of Madison County and The Notebook. Once a year for half a century, a man and a woman have been meeting at the gazebo in the square of a small town in upstate New York. Martin Ra...
Geek Girl
Published: 2011-12-08
Paperback: 280 pages
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"Think I could turn that boy bad?" My two best friends--my only two friends, really--follow my gaze and laugh. "Trevor Hoffman?" Beth scoffs. "No way, Jen." "I bet I could," I say, shrugging. "Why him?" Beth asks. "Why not any of the other nerds sitting there with him?" "Because," I say sl...
Geek Love
Published: 1990-03
Paperback: 355 pages
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A carnival family saves its traveling "Carnival Fabulon" from bankruptcy by giving birth to freaks--in a "Ripley's Believe It or Not" world. A National Book Award nominee.
Geek Love: A Novel
Published: 2002-06-11
Paperback: 368 pages
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National Book Award finalistHere is the unforgettable story of the Binewskis, a circus-geek family whose matriarch and patriarch have bred their own exhibit of human oddities (with the help of amphetamine, arsenic, and radioisotopes). Their offspring include Arturo the Aquaboy, who has fli...
The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: Popularity, Quirk Theory, and Why Outsiders Thrive After High School
Published: 2011-05-03
Hardcover: 448 pages
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*Now a New York Times bestseller* In a smart, entertaining, reassuring book that reads like fiction, Alexandra Robbins manages to cross Gossip Girl with Freaks and Geeks and explain the fascinating psychology and science behind popularity and outcasthood. She reveals that the things th...
Geeks, Girls, and Secret Identities
Published: 2012-10-01
Hardcover: 320 pages
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A SUPER funny, SUPER fast-paced, SUPER debut!Vincent Wu is Captain Stupendous's No. 1 Fan, but even he has to admit that Captain Stupendous has been a little off lately. During Professor Mayhem's latest attack, Captain Stupendous barely made it out alive - although he did manage to save Vi...
Geisha, A Life
Published: 2004-07-02
Hardcover: 297 pages
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No woman in the three-hundred-year history of the karyukai has ever come forward in public to tell her story -- until now. "Many say I was the best geisha of my generation," writes Mineko Iwasaki. "And yet, it was a life that I found too constricting to continue. And one that I ultimatel...
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