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The Typhoon Sanction
Published: 2012-01-01
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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The Typhoon sanction, by former FBI/SWAT agent, Wes Demott, mixes spies and counterespionage with old vendettas and small town murders. This novel pits the protagonist, ex-CIA agent Jay Stewart, against his Chinese enemy Phun, who hunts him halfway around the world to the Outer Banks of No...
Typical American
Published: 1992
Paperback: 304 pages
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This wonderful, bittersweet novel of misadventure and creeping assimilation begins in 1947, when the Shanghai-based Changs send young Ralph halfway around the world to study in New York. He sets off with two goals in mind--to master engineering and to avoid girls at any cost.
The Typist: A Novel
Published: 2010-08-03
Hardcover: 208 pages
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Written with the stunning economy of language for which Michael Knight's work has always been praised, The Typist is a rich and powerful work of historical fiction that expertly chronicles both the politics of the Pacific theater of World War II, and the personal relationships borne from t...
The Typists and The Tiger.
Published: 1998-01
Paperback: 72 pages
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The Tyrannicide Brief: The Story of the Man Who Sent Charles I to the Scaffold
Published: 2007-10-09
Paperback: 464 pages
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Tyrannosaur Canyon
Published: 2005-08-23
Hardcover: 368 pages
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A moon rock missing for thirty years...Five buckets of blood-soaked sand found in a New Mexico canyon...A scientist with ambition enough to kill...A monk who will redeem the world...A dark agency with a deadly mission...The greatest scientific discovery of all time...What fire bolt from th...
U is for Undertow
Published: 2010-11-30
Paperback: 384 pages
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Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. Even more so when Kinsey Millhone's only lead is a grown man dredging up a repressed childhood memory-of something that may never have happened...Robert B. Parker and Sue Grafton: Author One-on-One In this Amazon exclusive, we brought togethe...
U is for Undertow
Published: 2009-10-22
Kindle Edition: 370 pages
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Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. Even more so when Kinsey Millhone's only lead is a grown man dredging up a repressed childhood memory-of something that may never have happened...
U is for Undertow (Kinsey Millhone Mystery)
Published: 2009-12-01
Hardcover: 416 pages
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C alling T is for Trespass "taut, terrifying, transfixing and terrific," USA Today went on to ask, "What does it take to write twenty novels about the same character and manage to create a fresh, genre-bending novel every time?" It's a question worth pondering. Through twenty excursions in...
U.S.A. (Modern Classics)
Published: 1966-04
Paperback: 1184 pages
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