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Underground Christmas
Published: 1998-04
Hardcover: 0 pages
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Jon's story is about a man named Jay who has come rather late to his midlife crisis. Nearing fifty, Jay finds himself dislocated by a divorce and by his only child's attempted suicide. Seeking stability, he has taken a temporary teaching position at his alma mater, St. Andrew's College. The story opens...
Underground to Canada. Barbara Smucker
Published: 2008-06
Mass Market Paperback: 240 pages
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There's a place the slaves been whisperin' around called Canada. The law don't allow no slavery there. They say you follow the North Star, and when you step onto this land you are free. Taken away from her mother by a ruthless slave trader, all Julilly has left is the dream of freedom. Every day that...
The Underland Chronicles: Books 1-5 Paperback Box Set
Published: 2009-09-01
Paperback: 0 pages
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When 11-year-old Gregor follows his little sister through a grate in the laundry room of his New York City apartment building, he hurtles into a dark Underland beneath the city. There, humans live uneasily beside giant spiders, bats, cockroaches, and rats?but the fragile peace is about to fall apart....
The Underneath
Published: 2008-05-06
Hardcover: 320 pages
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There is nothing lonelier than a cat who has been loved, at least for a while, and then abandoned on the side of the road. A calico cat, about to have kittens, hears the lonely howl of a chained-up hound deep in the backwaters of the bayou. She dares to find him in the forest, and the ...
The Underside of Joy
Published: 2012-01-12
Hardcover: 320 pages
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Set against the backdrop of Redwood forests and shimmering vineyards, Seré Prince Halverson's compelling debut tells the story of two women, bound by an unspeakable loss, who each claims to be the mother of the same two children. To Ella Beene, happiness means living in the northern C...
Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy
Published: 2011-12-06
Hardcover: 256 pages
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Competitive advantage. The value chain. Five forces. Industry structure. Differentiation. Relative cost. If you want to understand how companies achieve and sustain competitive success, Michael Porter's frameworks are the foundation. But while everyone in business may know Porter's name, m...
Understanding Telephone Electronics, Fourth Edition
Published: 2001-10-15
Paperback: 432 pages
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Throughout its history, Understanding Telephone Electronics has been, by far, one of the most popular books on telecommunication electronics in the trade, electronic distribution, and educational markets because of its very simple, direct approach to the technology. In keeping with the dis...
Understanding the Koran: A Quick Christian Guide to the Muslim Holy Book
Published: 2004-05-25
Paperback: 192 pages
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What You Should Know about Islam's Holy Book How is it like the Bible? How is it different? Why is it important? Muslims believe the Koran exists as a literal book in heaven and was dictated to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It is only the length of the New Testament, yet a fifth of the...
The Understudy: A Novel
Published: 2007-01-30
Paperback: 368 pages
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Recently divorced actor Stephen C. McQueen (no relation, unfortunately) seems to have a knack for bad luck. But a failed marriage, a stalled career, a judgmental ex-wife, a distant daughter, a horrid little studio apartment in the far reaches of the London suburbs?all these pathetic elemen...
The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade
Published: 1998-09-01
Paperback: 202 pages
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Thomas Lynch serves his readership as a poet and memoirist, and his townspeople as a funeral director. In this wholly unique collection of essays, the two vocations meet as Lynch shows himself to be a competent functionary of mourning--dispensing comfort and homespun wisdom to the grief-stricken--as...
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