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Water-Blue Eyes (Eurocrime)
Published: 2009-11-01
Paperback: 168 pages
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Set amid the aromatic sea and forest of Vigo, Spain, this captivating thriller opens with the discovery of a young saxophonist found murdered in his posh, beachside apartment. An unusually cruel murder, the body is found tied by the wrists to the bed's headboard, with two glasses of whiskey nearby, and...
Published: 2004
Hardcover: 416 pages
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A panorama of human desire and enterprise, Bruce Murkoff’s first novel is exceptional for its ambition, its grasp of history and, above all, its stunning array of characters. Waterborne is set in the Great Depression, and culminates at the Boulder Dam: the greatest engineering project of its time,...
Waterfall: A Novel (River of Time Series)
Published: 2011-02-01
Paperback: 384 pages
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Gabriella has never spent a summer in Italy like this one. Remaining means giving up all she’s known and loved … and leaving means forfeiting what she’s come to know—and love itself. Most American teenagers want a vacation in Italy, but the Bentarrini sisters have spent every summ...
Watergate: A Novel
Published: 2012-02-21
Hardcover: 448 pages
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From one of our most esteemed historical novelists, a remarkable retelling of the Watergate scandal, as seen through a kaleidoscope of its colorful perpetrators and investigators. For all the monumental documentation that Watergate generated?uncountable volumes of committee records, court...
Published: 1992-03-31
Paperback: 368 pages
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Set in the bleak Fen Country of East Anglia, and spanning some 240 years in the lives of its haunted narrator and his ancestors, Waterland is a book that takes in eels and incest, ale-making and madness, the heartless sweep of history and a family romance as tormented as any in Greek trage...
The Waterless Sea: Chanters Of Tremaris, Book Two (Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy)
Published: 2006-02-01
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
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The Waterline
Published: 1989-09-06
Hardcover: 307 pages
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Watermark: A Novel of the Middle Ages
Published: 2010-04-13
Paperback: 331 pages
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“Watermark is a powerful novel about the destructive forces unleashed by ignorance and superstition. Readers will care deeply for the courageous Auda.”—New York Times bestselling author Sharon Kay Penman< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Published: 2002-04
Paperback: 432 pages
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February the fifteenth is a very special day for me. It is the day I gave birth to my first child. It is also the day my husband left me...I can only assume the two events weren't entirely unrelated.Claire has everything she ever wanted: a husband she adores, a great apartment, a good job....
The Watermelon King
Published: 2003-11-14
Paperback: 240 pages
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An endearing, often outrageous blend of fable, tall tale, and page-turner, The Watermelon King brings readers to Ashland, Alabama -- the fictional town immortalized in Daniel Wallace's Big Fish -- whose reputation is based on the long-ago abundance of watermelons. Thomas Rider knows almost...
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