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What I Was
Published: 2009-02-10
Paperback: 224 pages
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In 1962, a 16-year-old boy is dropped off by his father at a boarding school on the windswept coast of East Anglia. It is a model of its kind?the rooms are freezing, the food is disgusting, the older boys are sadistic, and the masters are the ineffectual, damaged castoffs of a dying Empire...
What I Was: A Novel
Published: 2008-12-30
Paperback: 224 pages
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Read Meg Rosoff's posts on the Penguin Blog. Finn was a beautiful orphan. H was a prep school misfit. On a September afternoon many years ago they met on a beach on the coast of England, near the ancient fisherman's hut Finn was squatting in with his woodstove, a case of books, a st...
What In the World Is Going On?: 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore
Published: 2008-09-30
Hardcover: 288 pages
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Is the current economic and political crisis actually prophesied in the Bible? � If so, what are we to do about it?� It is hard to piece together all this information in a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what the end times will look like. That's why so many theories abound.�And t...
What Is Left the Daughter
Published: 2011-05-03
Paperback: 264 pages
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Howard Norman, widely regarded as one of this country’s finest novelists, returns to the mesmerizing fictional terrain of his major books—The Bird Artist, The Museum Guard, and The Haunting of L—in this erotically charged and morally complex story. Seventeen-year-old Wyatt Hillyer is...
What Is the What
Published: 2007-11-13
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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New York Times Notable Book New York Times BestsellerWhat Is the What is the epic novel based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng who, along with thousands of other children —the so-called Lost Boys—was forced to leave his village in Sudan at the age of seven and trek hundreds of mi...
What Is the What (Vintage)
Published: 2007-10-09
Paperback: 560 pages
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New York Times Notable Book New York Times BestsellerWhat Is the What is the epic novel based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng who, along with thousands of other children —the so-called Lost Boys—was forced to leave his village in Sudan at the age of seven and trek hundreds of mile...
What It Is Like to Go to War
Published: 2011-08-30
Hardcover: 272 pages
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From the author of the award-winning, best-selling novel Matterhorn, comes a brilliant nonfiction book about warIn 1968, at the age of twenty-three, Karl Marlantes was dropped into the highland jungle of Vietnam, an inexperienced lieutenant in command of a platoon of forty Marines who woul...
What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist-the Facts of Daily Life in Nineteenth-Century England
Published: 1994-04-21
Paperback: 416 pages
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A “delightful reader’s companion” (The New York Times) to the great nineteenth-century British novels of Austen, Dickens, Trollope, the Brontës, and more, this lively guide clarifies the sometimes bizarre maze of rules and customs that governed life in Victorian England.For anyone w...
What Keeps Me Standing: Letters from Black Grandmothers on Peace, Hope and Inspiration
Published: 2005-04-05
Paperback: 288 pages
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In his previous bestsellers, Think and Grow Rich and What Makes the Great Great, Dennis Kimbro revealed the success secrets of highly touted entrepreneurs, corporate climbers, and Olympic athletes, as well as famous black Americans from George Washington Carver to Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey...
What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day
Published: 2002-08
Paperback: 244 pages
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Ava Johnson has had a decade of wild living in Atlanta and now she's returning to her home town of Idylwild in Michigan, her fabulous career plans in tatters. Ava is certain that Idylwild is the end of the road for her, but instead it turns out to be a new beginning. She falls for Eddie, a tough, but...
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